{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:54:50.276926", "uuid": "5881c852-df65-417d-a1b5-3e9a732d75ae", "title": "Using the alertdialog role", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_alertdialog_role", "tags": ["modal", "alertdialog", "Role", "CodingScripting", "NeedsContent", "ARIA", "Accessibility", "agent", "HTML", "user", "alerts", "Web Development", "userAgent"], "translations": [{"uuid": "1e5b2825-1f35-4d7a-8c2a-d90105eb581f", "title": "Utilisation du r\u00f4le alertdialog", "url": "/fr/docs/Accessibilit%C3%A9/ARIA/Techniques_ARIA/Utiliser_le_role_alertdialog", "tags": ["ARIA", "Accessibilit\u00e9", "Role", "D\u00e9veloppement Web", "R\u00f4le"], "summary": "Le r\u00f4le alertdialog
est utilis\u00e9 pour notifier \u00e0 l\u2019utilisateur des informations urgentes qui requi\u00e8rent son attention imm\u00e9diate. Comme le nom l\u2019indique, alertdialog
est un type de bo\u00eete de dialogue. Cela signifie que la plupart des instructions fournies \u00e0 propos de l\u2019utilisation du r\u00f4le dialog
s\u2019appliquent \u00e9galement au r\u00f4le alertdialog
\u00a0:", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2014-11-13T04:12:28", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-02-11T03:57:03", "label": "Using the alertdialog role", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 3256, "last_edit": "2016-02-11T03:57:03", "summary": "The alertdialog
role is used to notify the user of urgent information that demands the user's immediate attention.\u00a0As the name implies,\u00a0alertdialog
\u00a0is a type of dialog.\u00a0This means that most of the instructions provided in the 'using the dialog
role' technique are applicable to the alertdialog
role as well:", "sections": [{"id": "Description", "title": "Description"}, {"id": "Possible_effects_on_user_agents_and_assistive_technology", "title": "Possible effects on user agents and assistive technology\u00a0"}, {"id": "Examples", "title": "Examples"}, {"id": "Example_1_A_basic_alert_dialog", "title": "Example 1: A basic alert dialog"}, {"id": "Working_Examples", "title": "Working Examples:"}, {"id": "Notes", "title": "Notes\u00a0"}, {"id": "ARIA_attributes_used", "title": "ARIA attributes used"}, {"id": "Related_ARIA_techniques", "title": "Related ARIA techniques\u00a0"}, {"id": "Compatibility", "title": "Compatibility"}, {"id": "Additional_resources", "title": "Additional resources"}], "slug": "Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_alertdialog_role", "review_tags": []}