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Revision 674831 of WindowBase64

  • Revision slug: Web/API/WindowBase64
  • Revision title: WindowBase64
  • Revision id: 674831
  • Created:
  • Creator: teoli
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment

Revision Content


The WindowBase64 helper contains utility methods to convert data to and from base64, a binary-to-text encoding scheme. For example it is used in data URIs.

There is no object of this type, though the context object, either the {{domxref("Window")}} for regular browsing scope, or the {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope")}}  for workers, implements it.


This helper neither defines nor inherits any properties.


This helper does not inherit any methods.

Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.
Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a string of binary data.


Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', '#windowbase64', 'WindowBase64')}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}} No change since the latest snapshot, {{SpecName("HTML5.1")}}.
{{SpecName('HTML5.1', '#windowbase64', 'WindowBase64')}} {{Spec2('HTML5.1')}} Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}. No change.
{{SpecName("HTML5 W3C", "#windowbase64", "WindowBase64")}} {{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}} Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}. Creation of WindowBase64 (properties where on the target before it).

Browser compatibility


Feature Firefox (Gecko) Chrome Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support {{CompatGeckoDesktop(1)}} [1] {{CompatVersionUnknown}} 10.0 {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}}
Feature Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Android IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support {{CompatGeckoMobile(1)}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}}

[1]  atob() is also available to XPCOM components implemented in JavaScript, even though {{domxref("Window")}} is not the global object in components.

See also

  • Base64 encoding and decoding
  • {{domxref("Window")}}, {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope")}}, {{domxref("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope")}}, {{domxref("SharedWorkerGlobalScope")}}, and {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope")}}

Revision Source

<p>The <code><strong>WindowBase64</strong></code> helper contains utility methods to convert data to and from base64, a binary-to-text encoding scheme. For example it is used in <a href="/en-US/docs/data_URIs">data URIs</a>.</p>
<p>There is no object of this type, though the context object, either the {{domxref("Window")}} for regular browsing scope, or the {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope")}}&nbsp; for workers, implements it.</p>
<h2 id="Properties">Properties</h2>
<p><em>This helper neither defines nor inherits any properties.</em></p>
<h2 id="Methods">Methods</h2>
<p><em>This helper does not inherit any methods.</em></p>
  Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.</dd>
  Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a string of binary data.</dd>
<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>
<table class="standard-table">
   <th scope="col">Specification</th>
   <th scope="col">Status</th>
   <th scope="col">Comment</th>
   <td>{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', '#windowbase64', 'WindowBase64')}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}</td>
   <td>No change since the latest snapshot, {{SpecName("HTML5.1")}}.</td>
   <td>{{SpecName('HTML5.1', '#windowbase64', 'WindowBase64')}}</td>
   <td>Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}. No change.</td>
   <td>{{SpecName("HTML5 W3C", "#windowbase64", "WindowBase64")}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2('HTML5 W3C')}}</td>
   <td>Snapshot of {{SpecName("HTML WHATWG")}}. Creation of <code>WindowBase64</code> (properties where on the target before it).</td>
<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>
<div id="compat-desktop">
 <table class="compat-table">
    <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
    <th>Internet Explorer</th>
    <td>Basic support</td>
    <td>{{CompatGeckoDesktop(1)}} [1]</td>
<div id="compat-mobile">
 <table class="compat-table">
    <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
    <th>IE Mobile</th>
    <th>Opera Mobile</th>
    <th>Safari Mobile</th>
    <td>Basic support</td>
    <td rowspan="1">{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
    <td rowspan="1">{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
    <td rowspan="1">{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
    <td rowspan="1">{{CompatVersionUnknown}}</td>
<p>[1]&nbsp; <code>atob()</code> is also available to XPCOM components implemented in JavaScript, even though {{domxref("Window")}} is not the global object in components.</p>
<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
 <li><a href="/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding">Base64 encoding and decoding</a></li>
 <li>{{domxref("Window")}}, {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope")}}, {{domxref("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope")}}, {{domxref("SharedWorkerGlobalScope")}}, and {{domxref("ServiceWorkerGlobalScope")}}</li>
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