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Revision 656271 of RadioNodeList

  • Revision slug: Web/API/RadioNodeList
  • Revision title: RadioNodeList
  • Revision id: 656271
  • Created:
  • Creator: teoli
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment

Revision Content

{{ APIRef() }}

The RadioNodeList interface represents a collection of elements in a {{HTMLElement("form")}} or a {{HTMLElement("fieldset")}} element.


The RadioNodeList interface inherits the properties of {{domxref("NodeList")}}.

{{ domxref("RadioNodeList.value") }}
If the underlying element collection contains radio buttons, the value property represents the checked radio button. On retrieving the value property, the value of the currently checked radio button is returned as a string. If the collection does not contain any radio buttons or none of the radio buttons in the collection is in checked state, the empty string is returned. On setting the value property, the first radio button input element whose value property is equal to the new value will be set to checked.


The RadioNodeList interface inherits the methods of {{domxref("NodeList")}}.


Specification Status Comments
{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', '#radionodelist', 'RadioNodeList')}} {{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}} Initial definition.

Browser compatibility


Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 34 {{CompatGeckoDesktop("33")}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}} {{CompatVersionUnknown}}
Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatGeckoMobile("33")}} {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatUnknown}} {{CompatUnknown}}

See also

  • The {{HTMLElement("form")}}, {{HTMLElement("fieldset")}}, {{HTMLElement("input")}} elements.

Revision Source

<p>{{ APIRef() }}</p>
<p>The <strong><code>RadioNodeList</code></strong> interface represents a collection of elements in a {{HTMLElement("form")}} or a {{HTMLElement("fieldset")}} element.</p>
<h2 id="Properties">Properties</h2>
<p><em>The <code>RadioNodeList</code></em><em> interface inherits the properties of </em>{{domxref("NodeList")}}.</p>
  {{ domxref("RadioNodeList.value") }}</dt>
  If the underlying element collection contains radio buttons, the <code>value</code> property represents the checked radio button. On retrieving the <code>value</code> property, the <code>value</code> of the currently <code>checked</code> radio button is returned as a string. If the collection does not contain any radio buttons or none of the radio buttons in the collection is in <code>checked</code> state, the empty string is returned. On setting the <code>value</code> property, the first radio button input element whose <code>value</code> property is equal to the new value will be set to <code>checked</code>.</dd>
<h2 id="Methods">Methods</h2>
<p><em>The <code>RadioNodeList</code></em><em> interface inherits the methods of </em>{{domxref("NodeList")}}.</p>
<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>
<table class="standard-table" height="57" width="1246">
   <th scope="col">Specification</th>
   <th scope="col">Status</th>
   <th scope="col">Comments</th>
   <td>{{SpecName('HTML WHATWG', '#radionodelist', 'RadioNodeList')}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2('HTML WHATWG')}}</td>
   <td>Initial definition.</td>
<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>
<div id="compat-desktop">
 <table class="compat-table">
    <th>Firefox (Gecko)</th>
    <th>Internet Explorer</th>
    <td>Basic support</td>
 <div id="compat-mobile">
  <table class="compat-table">
     <th>Firefox Mobile (Gecko)</th>
     <th>IE Phone</th>
     <th>Opera Mobile</th>
     <th>Safari Mobile</th>
     <td>Basic support</td>
<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
 <li>The {{HTMLElement("form")}}, {{HTMLElement("fieldset")}}, {{HTMLElement("input")}} elements.</li>
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