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Revision 747131 of MediaRecorder.start()

  • Revision slug: Web/API/MediaRecorder/start
  • Revision title: MediaRecorder.start
  • Revision id: 747131
  • Created:
  • Creator: teoli
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment Web/API/MediaRecorder.start Web/API/MediaRecorder/start

Revision Content

{{ APIRef("MediaRecorder") }}

The Media.start() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to start capturing media into a {{ domxref("Blob") }}.

When the start() method is invoked, the UA queues a task that runs the following steps:

  1. If the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} is not "inactive", raise a DOM InvalidState error and terminate these steps. if the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} is "inactive", continue on to the next step.
  2. Set the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} to "recording" and wait until media becomes available from the stream passed into {{ domxref("Navigator.getUserMedia") }}.
  3. Once data becomes available, raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.start") }} event and start gathering the data into a {{ domxref("Blob") }} (see FILE-API).
  4. If the timeSlice argument has been provided, once that many milliseconds of data have been collected — or a minimum time slice imposed by the UA, whichever is greater — raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.dataavailable") }} event containing the Blob of collected data, and start gathering a new Blob of data. If timeSlice has not been provided, continue gathering data into the original Blob.
  5. When the stream is ended, set {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} to "inactive" and stop gathering data.
  6. Raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.dataavailable") }} event containing the Blob of data.
  7. Raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.stop") }} event.

Note: If the browser is unable to start recording or continue recording, it will raise a {{ domxref("DOMError") }} event, followed by a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.dataavailable") }} event containing the Blob it has gathered, followed by the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.stop") }} event.


 void start (optional long timeslice);


if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
   console.log('getUserMedia supported.');
   navigator.getUserMedia (
      // constraints - only audio needed for this app
         audio: true

      // Success callback
      function(stream) {
           var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);

           var myStream =;

           record.onclick = function() {
               console.log("recorder started");

           stop.onclick = function() {
               console.log("recorder stopped, data available");

           mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) {
             console.log("data available");

             var audio = document.createElement('audio');
             audio.setAttribute('controls', '');
             var audioURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
             audio.src = audioURL;


timeslice {{optional_inline()}}
This parameter takes a value of milliseconds, and represents the length of media capture to return in each Blob. If it is not specified, all media captured will be returned in a single Blob, unless one or more calls are made to {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.requestData") }}.




An InvalidState error is raised if the start() method is called while the MediaRecorder object’s {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state")}} is not "inactive" — it makes no sense to start media capture if it is already happening.

Browser compatibility




See also


Revision Source

<p>{{ APIRef("MediaRecorder") }}</p>
<div class="summary">
 <p><span class="seoSummary">The <strong><code>Media.start()</code></strong> method (part of the <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaRecorder_API">MediaRecorder API</a>) is used to start capturing media into a {{ domxref("Blob") }}.</span></p>
<p>When the <code>start()</code> method is invoked, the UA queues a task that runs the following steps:</p>
 <li>If the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} is not "inactive", raise a DOM <code>InvalidState</code> error and terminate these steps. if the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} is "inactive", continue on to the next step.</li>
 <li>Set the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} to "recording" and wait until media becomes available from the <code>stream</code> passed into {{ domxref("Navigator.getUserMedia") }}.</li>
 <li>Once data becomes available, raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.start") }} event and start gathering the data into a {{ domxref("Blob") }} (see <cite><a class="bibref" href="">FILE-API</a></cite>).</li>
 <li>If the <code>timeSlice</code> argument has been provided, once that many milliseconds of data have been collected — or a minimum time slice imposed by the UA, whichever is greater — raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.dataavailable") }} event containing the Blob of collected data, and start gathering a new Blob of data. If <code>timeSlice</code> has not been provided, continue gathering data into the original Blob.</li>
 <li>When the <code>stream</code> is ended, set {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state") }} to "inactive" and stop gathering data.</li>
 <li>Raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.dataavailable") }} event containing the Blob of data.</li>
 <li>Raise a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.stop") }} event.</li>
<div class="note">
 <p><strong>Note</strong>: If the browser is unable to start recording or continue recording, it<em> will</em> raise a {{ domxref("DOMError") }} event, followed by a {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.dataavailable") }} event containing the Blob it has gathered, followed by the {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.stop") }} event.</p>
<h2 id="Syntax">Syntax</h2>
<pre class="syntaxbox"><span class="idlInterface" id="idl-def-IDBIndex"><span class="idlMethod"><span class="idlInterface" id="idl-def-MediaRecorder"><span class="idlMethod"><span class="idlMethType"><span class="idlInterface" id="idl-def-MediaRecorder"><span class="idlMethod"><span class="idlMethType"><span class="idlInterface" id="idl-def-MediaRecorder"><span class="idlMethod"> <span class="idlMethType">void</span> <span class="idlMethName"><a href="">start</a></span> (<span class="idlParam">optional <span class="idlParamType">long</span> <span class="idlParamName">timeslice</span></span>);</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></pre>
<h2 id="Example">Example</h2>
<pre class="brush: js;highlight:[17,18]">if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
   console.log('getUserMedia supported.');
   navigator.getUserMedia (
      // constraints - only audio needed for this app
         audio: true

      // Success callback
      function(stream) {
           var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);

           var myStream =;

           record.onclick = function() {
               console.log("recorder started");

           stop.onclick = function() {
               console.log("recorder stopped, data available");

           mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(e) {
             console.log("data available");

             var audio = document.createElement('audio');
             audio.setAttribute('controls', '');
             var audioURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
             audio.src = audioURL;
<h2 id="Parameters">Parameters</h2>
  <code>timeslice</code> {{optional_inline()}}</dt>
  This parameter takes a value of milliseconds, and represents the length of media capture to return in each Blob. If it is not specified, all media captured will be returned in a single Blob, unless one or more calls are made to {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.requestData") }}.</dd>
<h2 id="Returns">Returns</h2>
<h2 id="Errors">Errors</h2>
<p>An <code>InvalidState</code> error is raised if the <code>start()</code> method is called while the <code>MediaRecorder</code> object’s {{ domxref("MediaRecorder.state")}} is not "inactive" — it makes no sense to start media capture if it is already happening.</p>
<h2 id="Browser_compatibility">Browser compatibility</h2>
<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>
<h2 id="See_also">See also</h2>
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