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Revision 896803 of Event.eventPhase

  • Revision slug: Web/API/Event/eventPhase
  • Revision title: Event.eventPhase
  • Revision id: 896803
  • Created:
  • Creator: dzlabs
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment

Revision Content


Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.


var phase = event.eventPhase;

Returns an integer value which specifies the current evaluation phase of the event flow; possible values are listed in {{anch("Event phase constants")}}.


Event phase constants

These values describe which phase the event flow is currently being evaluated.

Constant Value Description
Event.NONE 0 No event is being processed at this time.
Event.CAPTURING_PHASE 1 The event is being propagated through the target's ancestor objects. This process starts with the {{domxref("Window")}}, then {{domxref("Document")}}, then the {{domxref("HTMLHtmlElement")}}, and so on through the elements until the target's parent is reached. {{domxref("EventListener", "Event listeners", "", 1)}} registered for capture mode when {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener()")}} was called are triggered during this phase.
Event.AT_TARGET 2 The event has arrived at {{domxref("EventTarget", "the event's target", "", 1)}}. Event listeners registered for this phase are called at this time. If {{domxref("Event.bubbles")}} is false, processing the event is finished after this phase is complete.
Event.BUBBLING_PHASE 3 The event is propagating back up through the target's ancestors in reverse order, starting with the parent, and eventually reaching the containing {{domxref("Window")}}. This is known as bubbling, and occurs only if {{domxref("Event.bubbles")}} is true. {{domxref("EventListener", "Event listeners", "", 1)}} registered for this phase are triggered during this process.

For more details, see section 3.1, Event dispatch and DOM event flow, of the DOM Level 3 Events specification.

{{ EmbedLiveSample('Example', '', '', '', 'Web/API/Event/eventPhase') }}


HTML Content

 <h4>Event Propagation Chain</h4> <ul> <li>Click 'd1'</li> <li>Analyse event propagation chain</li> <li>Click next div and repeat the experience</li> <li>Change Capturing mode</li> <li>Repeat the experience</li> </ul> <input type="checkbox" id="chCapture" /> Use Capturing <div id="d1">d1 <div id="d2">d2 <div id="d3">d3 <div id="d4">d4</div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="divInfo"></div> 

CSS Content

div { margin: 20px; padding: 4px; border: thin black solid; } #divInfo { margin: 18px; padding: 8px; background-color:white; font-size:80%; }

JavaScript Content

 var clear = false, divInfo = null, divs = null, useCapture = false; window.onload = function () { divInfo = document.getElementById("divInfo"); divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); chCapture = document.getElementById("chCapture"); chCapture.onclick = function () { RemoveListeners(); AddListeners(); } Clear(); AddListeners(); } function RemoveListeners() { for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { var d = divs[i]; if ( != "divInfo") { d.removeEventListener("click", OnDivClick, true); d.removeEventListener("click", OnDivClick, false); } } } function AddListeners() { for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { var d = divs[i]; if ( != "divInfo") { d.addEventListener("click", OnDivClick, false); if (chCapture.checked) d.addEventListener("click", OnDivClick, true); d.onmousemove = function () { clear = true; }; } } } function OnDivClick(e) { if (clear) { Clear(); clear = false; } if (e.eventPhase == 2) = 'red'; var level = e.eventPhase == 0 ? "none" : e.eventPhase == 1 ? "capturing" : e.eventPhase == 2 ? "target" : e.eventPhase == 3 ? "bubbling" : "error"; divInfo.innerHTML += + "; eventPhase: " + level + "<br/>"; } function Clear() { for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { if (divs[i].id != "divInfo") divs[i].style.backgroundColor = (i & 1) ? "#f6eedb" : "#cceeff"; } divInfo.innerHTML = ''; }

{{ EmbedLiveSample('Example') }}



Specification Status Comment
{{SpecName("DOM3 Events", "#widl-Event-eventPhase", "Event.eventPhase")}} {{Spec2("DOM3 Events")}}  
{{SpecName("DOM2 Events", "#Events-Event-eventPhase", "Event.eventPhase")}} {{Spec2("DOM2 Events")}} Initial definition

Revision Source


<p>Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated.</p>

<h2 id="Syntax">Syntax</h2>

<pre class="brush: js">
<em>var phase</em> = event.eventPhase;

<p>Returns an integer value which specifies the current evaluation phase of the event flow; possible values are listed in {{anch("Event phase constants")}}.</p>

<h2 id="Constants">Constants</h2>

<h3 id="Event_phase_constants">Event phase constants</h3>

<p>These values describe which phase the event flow is currently being evaluated.</p>

<table class="standard-table">
   <th scope="col">Constant</th>
   <th scope="col">Value</th>
   <th scope="col">Description</th>
   <td>No event is being processed at this time.</td>
   <td>The event is being propagated through the target's ancestor objects. This process starts with the {{domxref("Window")}}, then {{domxref("Document")}}, then the {{domxref("HTMLHtmlElement")}}, and so on through the elements until the target's parent is reached. {{domxref("EventListener", "Event listeners", "", 1)}} registered for capture mode when {{domxref("EventTarget.addEventListener()")}} was called are triggered during this phase.</td>
   <td>The event has arrived at {{domxref("EventTarget", "the event's target", "", 1)}}. Event listeners registered for this phase are called at this time. If {{domxref("Event.bubbles")}} is false, processing the event is finished after this phase is complete.</td>
   <td>The event is propagating back up through the target's ancestors in reverse order, starting with the parent, and eventually reaching the containing {{domxref("Window")}}. This is known as bubbling, and occurs only if {{domxref("Event.bubbles")}} is <code>true</code>. {{domxref("EventListener", "Event listeners", "", 1)}} registered for this phase are triggered during this process.</td>

<p>For more details, see <a class="external" href="">section 3.1, Event dispatch and DOM event flow</a>, of the DOM Level 3 Events specification.</p>

<p>{{ EmbedLiveSample('Example', '', '', '', 'Web/API/Event/eventPhase') }}</p>

<h2 id="Example" name="Example">EXAMPLE</h2>

<h3>HTML Content</h3>

<pre class="brush: html">
 &lt;h4&gt;Event Propagation Chain&lt;/h4&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Click 'd1'&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Analyse event propagation chain&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Click next div and repeat the experience&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Change Capturing mode&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Repeat the experience&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;input type="checkbox" id="chCapture" /&gt; Use Capturing &lt;div id="d1"&gt;d1 &lt;div id="d2"&gt;d2 &lt;div id="d3"&gt;d3 &lt;div id="d4"&gt;d4&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;div id="divInfo"&gt;&lt;/div&gt; 

<h3>CSS Content</h3>

<pre class="brush: css">

div { margin: 20px; padding: 4px; border: thin black solid; } #divInfo { margin: 18px; padding: 8px; background-color:white; font-size:80%; }</pre>

<h3>JavaScript Content</h3>

<pre class="brush: js">
 var clear = false, divInfo = null, divs = null, useCapture = false; window.onload = function () { divInfo = document.getElementById("divInfo"); divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); chCapture = document.getElementById("chCapture"); chCapture.onclick = function () { RemoveListeners(); AddListeners(); } Clear(); AddListeners(); } function RemoveListeners() { for (var i = 0; i &lt; divs.length; i++) { var d = divs[i]; if ( != "divInfo") { d.removeEventListener("click", OnDivClick, true); d.removeEventListener("click", OnDivClick, false); } } } function AddListeners() { for (var i = 0; i &lt; divs.length; i++) { var d = divs[i]; if ( != "divInfo") { d.addEventListener("click", OnDivClick, false); if (chCapture.checked) d.addEventListener("click", OnDivClick, true); d.onmousemove = function () { clear = true; }; } } } function OnDivClick(e) { if (clear) { Clear(); clear = false; } if (e.eventPhase == 2) = 'red'; var level = e.eventPhase == 0 ? "none" : e.eventPhase == 1 ? "capturing" : e.eventPhase == 2 ? "target" : e.eventPhase == 3 ? "bubbling" : "error"; divInfo.innerHTML += + "; eventPhase: " + level + "&lt;br/&gt;"; } function Clear() { for (var i = 0; i &lt; divs.length; i++) { if (divs[i].id != "divInfo") divs[i].style.backgroundColor = (i &amp; 1) ? "#f6eedb" : "#cceeff"; } divInfo.innerHTML = ''; }

<p>{{ EmbedLiveSample('Example') }}</p>

<h2 id="Example">&nbsp;</h2>

<h2 id="Specifications">Specifications</h2>

<table class="standard-table">
   <td>{{SpecName("DOM3 Events", "#widl-Event-eventPhase", "Event.eventPhase")}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2("DOM3 Events")}}</td>
   <td>{{SpecName("DOM2 Events", "#Events-Event-eventPhase", "Event.eventPhase")}}</td>
   <td>{{Spec2("DOM2 Events")}}</td>
   <td>Initial definition</td>
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