{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:24:05.548260", "uuid": "9d2432a7-c0a8-41b2-846f-2e313cd2eb64", "title": "Web Console remoting", "url": "/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console/remoting", "tags": ["R\u00e9f\u00e9rence", "Reference", "web console", "Debugging"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-07-31T10:20:31", "label": "Web Console remoting", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 56423, "last_edit": "2014-07-31T10:20:29", "summary": "This document describes the way Web Console remoting works. The Web Console is split between a client with its user interface, and the server which has listeners for all the things that happen in the tab. For communication between the server and the client we use the Remote Debugging Protocol. This architecture allows you to connect a Web Console client instance to a server running on B2G, Fennec or some other Firefox instance.", "sections": [{"id": "Introduction", "title": "Introduction"}, {"id": "The_WebConsoleActor_and_the_WebConsoleClient", "title": "The "}, {"id": "startListeners(listeners_onResponse)", "title": null}, {"id": "Tab_navigation", "title": "Tab navigation"}, {"id": "getCachedMessages(types_onResponse)", "title": null}, {"id": "Actor_preferences", "title": "Actor preferences"}, {"id": "Private_browsing", "title": "Private browsing"}, {"id": "Send_HTTP_requests", "title": "Send HTTP requests"}, {"id": "Page_errors", "title": "Page errors"}, {"id": "Console_API_messages", "title": "Console API messages"}, {"id": "JavaScript_evaluation", "title": "JavaScript evaluation"}, {"id": "The_evaluateJS_request_and_response_packets", "title": "The "}, {"id": "Autocomplete_and_more", "title": "Autocomplete and more"}, {"id": "Network_logging", "title": "Network logging"}, {"id": "The_networkEvent_packet", "title": "The "}, {"id": "The_NetworkEventActor", "title": "The "}, {"id": "The_networkEventUpdate_packet", "title": "The "}, {"id": "The_getRequestHeaders_and_other_packets", "title": "The "}, {"id": "The_fileActivity_packet", "title": "The "}, {"id": "History", "title": "History"}, {"id": "Conclusions", "title": "Conclusions"}], "slug": "Tools/Web_Console/remoting", "review_tags": []}