{"json_modified": "2016-07-26T00:56:22.811143", "uuid": "8302dabf-2ab5-4d89-b07d-42bfb030292d", "title": "Screening duplicate bugs", "url": "/en-US/docs/Screening_duplicate_bugs", "tags": ["Bugzilla", "NeedsAttention", "QA", "needsattention"], "translations": [{"uuid": "ea2ab6b8-1041-4c6a-a4a2-940996bb4b7b", "title": "Screening duplicate bugs", "url": "/es/docs/Screening_duplicate_bugs", "tags": [], "summary": "Si has estado\u00a0confirmando\u00a0bugs SIN CONFIRMAR o viendo\u00a0nuevos\u00a0bugs, te habr\u00e1s dado cuenta de que todos los bugs que son enviados por reporteros inexperimentados son bugs DUPLICADOS. A pesar de que menos de la mitad resultan ser duplicados, lo mejor es asumir que cada uno lo es hasta que uno se convenza de lo contrario.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2014-11-30T14:51:57", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-07-26T00:56:22", "label": "Screening duplicate bugs", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 16396, "last_edit": "2016-07-26T00:56:21", "summary": "If you have spent any time confirming UNCONFIRMED bugs or going through new bugs, you will have noticed that all too many bugs submitted by inexperienced reporters are DUPLICATE bugs. Even though probably less than half turn out to be duplicates, it is best to presume that each one is until you convince yourself otherwise.", "sections": [{"id": "The_quick_and_obvious_ones", "title": "The quick and obvious ones"}, {"id": "Searching", "title": "Searching"}, {"id": "Matching", "title": "Matching"}, {"id": "Which_is_the_Duplicate", "title": "Which is the Duplicate?"}, {"id": "One_Down_or_Keeping_in_the_Groove", "title": "One Down, or, Keeping in the Groove"}, {"id": "Specific_Types_of_Duplicates", "title": "Specific Types of Duplicates"}, {"id": "Lists_Where_Duplicates_Lurk", "title": "Lists Where Duplicates Lurk"}], "slug": "Screening_duplicate_bugs", "review_tags": []}