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This page explains how RSS works. You will not yet be creating your own RSS files, but you will be learning about the different systems that come into play with RSS syndication.

How RSS Works

There are two main components that come into play with RSS syndication: the server end and the client end.

The server end of RSS Syndication is the part of the system that produces the RSS feed. A news website would be at the server end of RSS syndication. A blog would be at the server end of RSS syndication. An IPradio show would be at the server end of RSS syndication. An IPTV show would be at the server end of RSS syndication.

The client end of RSS syndication is the part of the system that consumes the RSS feed. The Mozilla Firefox web browser would be at the client end of the RSS syndication. A desktop RSS aggregator would be at the client end of the RSS syndication. A web-based RSS aggregator would be at the client end of the RSS syndication.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: teoli, jomi419, MarcDiethelm, Nickolay, Ptak82, BenoitL, Saori, Charles
 Last updated by: teoli,