{"json_modified": "2016-05-08T13:25:55.656753", "uuid": "12e09f8d-fbd6-4767-8459-6837905f31fd", "title": "Standard OS Libraries", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/js-ctypes/Using_js-ctypes/Standard_OS_Libraries", "tags": ["Extensions", "Guide", "Mozilla", "guide", "js-ctypes", "Add-ons", "add-ons", "Intermediate"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-05-08T13:25:55", "label": "Standard OS Libraries", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 57715, "last_edit": "2016-05-08T13:25:53", "summary": "This article gives the names of standard libraries that can be accessed with js-ctypes. These libraries are what enable js-ctypes to work. The alternative to standard libraries is creating your own DLL (for Windows) or SO (for Linux) file with C functions that can be called from your add-on with js-ctypes. The DLL/SO/etc file you make must be shipped with your add-on. Standard libraries offer the advantage of not having to ship anything. They are already available on the operating system for you. You just need to supply the path to appropriate files and set up the proper types of values/arguments in the js-ctypes code. This article allows you to find out what types to give to values/arguments by supplying links to the documentation of the OS libraries.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Windows", "title": "Windows"}, {"id": "WinAPI", "title": "WinAPI"}, {"id": "Example_GetCursorPos", "title": "Example: GetCursorPos"}, {"id": "Resources_for_WinAPI", "title": "Resources for WinAPI"}, {"id": "COM", "title": "COM"}, {"id": "UNIX", "title": "UNIX"}, {"id": "GDK", "title": "GDK"}, {"id": "Example_gdk_window_get_pointer", "title": "Example: gdk_window_get_pointer"}, {"id": "Example_gdk_window_get_device_position", "title": "Example: gdk_window_get_device_position"}, {"id": "GTK", "title": "GTK+"}, {"id": "Example_...", "title": "Example: ..."}, {"id": "X11", "title": "X11"}, {"id": "Example_XQueryPointer", "title": "Example: XQueryPointer"}, {"id": "Resources_for_X11", "title": "Resources for X11"}, {"id": "XCB", "title": "XCB"}, {"id": "Resources_for_XCB", "title": "Resources for XCB"}, {"id": "Mac_OS_X", "title": "Mac OS X"}, {"id": "Core_Foundation", "title": "Core Foundation"}, {"id": "Example_CGEventGetLocation", "title": "Example: CGEventGetLocation"}, {"id": "Resources_for_Core_Foundation", "title": "Resources for Core Foundation"}, {"id": "Cocoa", "title": "Cocoa"}, {"id": "Example_NSEvent_mouseLocation", "title": "Example: [NSEvent mouseLocation]"}, {"id": "Resources_for_Cocoa", "title": "Resources for Cocoa"}, {"id": "Android", "title": "Android"}, {"id": "See_Also", "title": "See Also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/js-ctypes/Using_js-ctypes/Standard_OS_Libraries", "review_tags": []}