{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:51:35.626263", "uuid": "6bab3a66-8f07-4a09-9f10-f8ad747d269c", "title": "Zombie compartments", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Zombie_compartments", "tags": ["Extensions", "Developing Mozilla", "Add-ons", "memory", "add-ons"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T00:57:33", "label": "Zombie compartments", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 2396, "last_edit": "2015-04-08T08:55:00", "summary": "This page tells you how to detect and avoid zombie compartments, which are a particular kind of memory leak.\u00a0 They can be caused by bugs in Firefox itself, or by bugs in Firefox add-ons.", "sections": [{"id": "Compartments", "title": "Compartments"}, {"id": "Viewing_live_compartments", "title": "Viewing live compartments"}, {"id": "When_are_compartments_created", "title": "When are compartments created?"}, {"id": "When_are_compartments_destroyed", "title": "When are compartments destroyed?"}, {"id": "Zombie_compartments", "title": "Zombie compartments"}, {"id": "Reactive_checking", "title": "Reactive checking"}, {"id": "Proactive_checking_of_add-ons", "title": "Proactive checking of add-ons"}, {"id": "Avoiding_zombie_compartments_in_add-ons", "title": "Avoiding zombie compartments in add-ons"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Zombie_compartments", "review_tags": []}