{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:55:35.764532", "uuid": "74e3b68a-05e2-4939-ac52-144b6c98e296", "title": "pyxpidl", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/XPIDL/pyxpidl", "tags": ["pyxpidl", "Guide", "xpidl", "Extensions", "Developing Mozilla", "Add-ons", "add-ons"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-01-12T13:36:51", "label": "pyxpidl", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 3605, "last_edit": "2016-01-12T13:36:50", "summary": "The pyxpidl tool suite has been built to replace the older xpidl tool which, in the past, was used to turn XPIDL files into C++ headers and XPCOM typelibs (XPT files). The newer utility has the advantage of not needing any code to be compiled in order to use it, and let us remove a bunch of old code from the tree.", "sections": [{"id": "Using_pyxpidl", "title": "Using pyxpidl"}, {"id": "Generating_C_headers", "title": "Generating C++ headers"}, {"id": "Generating_typelibs", "title": "Generating typelibs"}, {"id": "Comparing_pyxpidl_to_xpidl", "title": "Comparing pyxpidl to xpidl"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/XPIDL/pyxpidl", "review_tags": []}