{"json_modified": "2016-08-08T08:18:50.596893", "uuid": "4e1d3408-375a-4e3f-96c2-305f4058b4c7", "title": "Using the Mozilla symbol server", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Using_the_Mozilla_symbol_server", "tags": ["Developing Mozilla"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-08-08T08:18:50", "label": "Using the Mozilla symbol server", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 1188, "last_edit": "2016-08-08T08:18:50", "summary": "The Mozilla project runs a symbol server for trunk Firefox nightly and release builds on Windows. Symbols are available for at least 30 previous days worth of nightly builds, and Firefox releases from This allows debugging of those builds without forcing all users to download large debugging files. The server functions like Microsoft's symbol server so the documentation there can be useful.", "sections": [{"id": "Using_the_symbol_server_in_Microsoft_Visual_C.2B.2B_2005.2B", "title": "Using the symbol server in Microsoft Visual C++"}, {"id": "Using_the_symbol_server_in_Windbg", "title": "Using the symbol server in Windbg"}, {"id": "Downloading_symbols_using_symchk.exe", "title": "Downloading symbols using symchk.exe"}, {"id": "Downloading_symbols_on_Linux_Mac_OS_X", "title": "Downloading symbols on Linux / Mac OS X"}, {"id": "The_source_server", "title": "The source server"}, {"id": "Troubleshooting_Symbols_will_not_download", "title": "Troubleshooting: Symbols will not download"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Using_the_Mozilla_symbol_server", "review_tags": []}