{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:20:31.833612", "uuid": "93ce3024-c64f-4550-ae55-6e9fdb41fa7c", "title": "XUL accessibility tool", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/XUL_accessibility_tool", "tags": ["Accessibility"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-28T06:38:37", "label": "XUL accessibility tool", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 39905, "last_edit": "2007-03-13T05:48:42", "summary": "The XUL Accessibility Tool is a Firefox extension designed by Aaron Andersen of WebAIM as part of a Mozilla Foundation accessibility minigrant in the spring of 2007. It is designed to test (insofar as automated testing is possible) the guidelines and requirement for creating accessible XUL as set forth in the XUL accessibility guidelines, and to report on any problems found in tested documents. While not meant to be a comprehensive test suite (meaning that passing all included tests does not guarantee that an application is free of accessibility bugs or issues), many of the most common accessibility mistakes will be found and reported.", "sections": [{"id": "General_Information", "title": "General Information"}, {"id": "Availability", "title": "Availability"}, {"id": "Use", "title": "Use"}, {"id": "Future_Work", "title": "Future Work"}, {"id": "Ideas_for_further_work_on_XUL_a11y", "title": "Ideas for further work on XUL a11y"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Tech/XUL/XUL_accessibility_tool", "review_tags": []}