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Revision 150790 of buttons

  • Revision slug: XUL/Attribute/buttons
  • Revision title: buttons
  • Revision id: 150790
  • Created:
  • Creator: MykMelez
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment explain how to not show any buttons in the dialog box

Revision Content

Type: comma-separated list of the values below
A comma-separated list of buttons to appear in the dialog box. The buttons will be placed in suitable locations for the user's platform and basic event handling will be performed automatically. The following values can be used in the list:
  • accept: The OK button, which will accept the changes when pressed. This button will also be the default button.
  • cancel: The cancel button which will cancel the operation.
  • help: A help button for displaying help about the dialog.
  • disclosure: A button to show more information. This might be a button or a disclosure triangle.
  • extra1: An optional additional button. You can set its label with the {{template.XULAttr("buttonlabelextra1")}} attribute.
  • extra2: A second optional additional button. You can set its label with the {{template.XULAttr("buttonlabelextra2")}} attribute.

Note: to not display any buttons in the dialog box, set the value of this attribute to "," (a single comma).

{{ wiki.languages( { "ja": "ja/XUL/Attribute/buttons", "pl": "pl/XUL/Atrybut/buttons" } ) }}

Revision Source

<div class="noinclude">{{template.XULRefAttr()}}</div>
<dl><dt> {{template.XULAttr("buttons")}}
</dt><dd> Type: <i>comma-separated list of the values below</i>
</dd><dd>  A comma-separated list of buttons to appear in the dialog box. The buttons will be placed in suitable locations for the user's platform and basic event handling will be performed automatically. The following values can be used in the list:
<ul><li> <code>accept</code>: The OK button, which will accept the changes when pressed. This button will also be the default button.
</li><li> <code>cancel</code>: The cancel button which will cancel the operation.
</li><li> <code>help</code>: A help button for displaying help about the dialog.
</li><li> <code>disclosure</code>: A button to show more information. This might be a button or a disclosure triangle.
</li><li> <code>extra1</code>: An optional additional button. You can set its label with the <code>{{template.XULAttr("buttonlabelextra1")}}</code> attribute.
</li><li> <code>extra2</code>: A second optional additional button. You can set its label with the <code>{{template.XULAttr("buttonlabelextra2")}}</code> attribute.
<div class="noinclude">
<p>Note: to not display any buttons in the dialog box, set the value of this attribute to "," (a single comma).
</p>{{ wiki.languages( { "ja": "ja/XUL/Attribute/buttons", "pl": "pl/XUL/Atrybut/buttons" } ) }}
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