{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:14:27.105860", "uuid": "bcd43771-bfc6-4211-9bb9-12e32420745f", "title": "Weak reference", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Weak_reference", "tags": ["XPCOM"], "translations": [{"uuid": "388f50ad-135f-429e-9d3a-cfe90368ac84", "title": "Weak reference", "url": "/ja/docs/Weak_reference", "tags": ["XPCOM"], "summary": "In XPCOM, a weak reference is a special object that contains a pointer to an XPCOM object, but does not keep that object alive. If the referent object is destroyed before the weak reference, the pointer inside the weak reference is set to nsnull
.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ja", "last_edit": "2007-10-03T21:03:25", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-02-28T07:08:01", "label": "Weak reference", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 16526, "last_edit": "2013-01-09T06:16:24", "summary": "In XPCOM, a weak reference is a special object that contains a pointer to an XPCOM object, but does not keep that object alive. If the referent object is destroyed before the weak reference, the pointer inside the weak reference is set to nsnull
.", "sections": [{"id": "Why_do_I_need_this.3F", "title": "Why do I need this?"}, {"id": "How_do_I_use_it.3F", "title": "How do I use it?"}, {"id": "Well_this_sucks.21", "title": "Well this sucks!"}, {"id": "Why_can.27t_I_just_directly_call_my_interfaces_methods_on_the_weak_reference.3F", "title": "Why can't I just directly call my interfaces methods on the weak reference?"}, {"id": "Why_can.27t_I_just_QueryInterface_between_the_pair.3F", "title": "Why can't I just "}, {"id": "How_do_I_make_a_class_support_weak_references.3F", "title": "How do I make a class support weak references?"}, {"id": "Alternatives", "title": "Alternatives"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": "Original Document Information"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Weak_reference", "review_tags": []}