{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:06:13.831486", "uuid": "218a15b2-48f2-4cfe-99bb-8a301da0bd24", "title": "nsIWindowWatcher", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIWindowWatcher", "tags": ["XPCOM", "Interfaces", "XPCOM API Reference", "XPCOM Interface Reference", "Interfaces:Scriptable", "Embedding Mozilla"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-06-29T01:43:11", "label": "nsIWindowWatcher", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 8164, "last_edit": "2014-06-29T01:43:06", "summary": "Usage notes: This component has an activeWindow
property. Clients may expect this property to be always current, so to properly integrate this component the application will need to keep it current by setting the property as the active window changes. This component should not keep a (XPCOM) reference to any windows; the implementation will claim no ownership. Windows must notify this component when they are created or destroyed, so only a weak reference is kept. Note that there is no interface for such notifications (not a public one, anyway). This is taken care of both in Mozilla and by common embedding code. Embedding clients need do nothing special about that requirement.", "sections": [{"id": "Method_overview", "title": "Method overview"}, {"id": "Attributes", "title": "Attributes"}, {"id": "Methods", "title": "Methods"}, {"id": "getChromeForWindow()", "title": "getChromeForWindow()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "getNewAuthPrompter()", "title": "getNewAuthPrompter()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "getNewPrompter()", "title": "getNewPrompter()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "getWindowByName()", "title": "getWindowByName()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "getWindowEnumerator()", "title": "getWindowEnumerator()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "openWindow()", "title": "openWindow()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "Example", "title": "Example"}, {"id": "registerNotification()", "title": "registerNotification()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "setWindowCreator()", "title": "setWindowCreator()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "unregisterNotification()", "title": "unregisterNotification()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIWindowWatcher", "review_tags": []}