{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:51:32.886903", "uuid": "67624f75-dfc7-4cc8-9859-bc0340a71ee7", "title": "nsIPromptService", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIPromptService", "tags": ["XPCOM Interface Reference", "Interfaces:Scriptable", "Reference", "Interfaces", "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence"], "translations": [{"uuid": "00ee3d2f-192e-45e7-8467-58c184444b05", "title": "nsIPromptService", "url": "/fr/docs/nsIPromptService", "tags": ["Traduction_\u00e0_relire"], "summary": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2014-03-08T10:31:06", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "4910e015-f983-4c95-9f32-30d77433813a", "title": "nsIPromptService", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIPromptService", "tags": [], "summary": "You can define access keys (or keyboard shortcuts) for buttons by including an ampersand (\"&\") in front of the character that should be the access key for that button. If you need to include an ampersand in the button's text, use two of them, like this: \"&&\".", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2014-05-20T00:52:52", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2014-05-07T06:20:14", "label": "nsIPromptService", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 2378, "last_edit": "2014-04-14T10:42:06", "summary": "You can define access keys (or keyboard shortcuts) for buttons by including an ampersand (\"&\") in front of the character that should be the access key for that button. If you need to include an ampersand in the button's text, use two of them, like this: \"&&\".", "sections": [{"id": "Method_overview", "title": "Method overview"}, {"id": "Constants", "title": "Constants"}, {"id": "Button_position_flags", "title": "Button position flags"}, {"id": "Button_title_flags", "title": "Button title flags"}, {"id": "Button_default_flags", "title": "Button default flags"}, {"id": "BUTTON_DELAY_ENABLE", "title": "BUTTON_DELAY_ENABLE"}, {"id": "Standard_Buttons_flags", "title": "Standard Buttons flags"}, {"id": "Methods", "title": "Methods"}, {"id": "alert()", "title": "alert()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "alertCheck()", "title": "alertCheck()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "confirm()", "title": "confirm()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "confirmCheck()", "title": "confirmCheck()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "confirmEx()", "title": "confirmEx()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "prompt()", "title": "prompt()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "promptUsernameAndPassword()", "title": "promptUsernameAndPassword()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "promptPassword()", "title": "promptPassword()"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "select()", "title": "select()"}, {"id": "Return_value", "title": "Return value"}, {"id": "Example_code", "title": "Example code"}, {"id": "alert_example", "title": "alert example"}, {"id": "alertCheck_example", "title": "alertCheck example"}, {"id": "confirm_example", "title": "confirm example"}, {"id": "confirmCheck_example", "title": "confirmCheck example"}, {"id": "confirmEx_example", "title": "confirmEx example"}, {"id": "prompt_example", "title": "prompt example"}, {"id": "promptUsernameAndPassword_example", "title": "promptUsernameAndPassword example"}, {"id": "promptPassword_example", "title": "promptPassword example"}, {"id": "select_example", "title": "select example"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIPromptService", "review_tags": ["technical"]}