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Also please see Bug 1151461 - Create a landing page on for the start page in SeaMonkey MailNews

SeaMonkey is Mozilla's all in one internet suite. These pages document SeaMonkey's MailNews component and also provide links to documentation about the MailNews backend which is also used in other projects such as Eudora/Penelope, Thunderbird, Correo, etc.

SeaMonkey is Firefox's elder relative, and is built on the same technical platform as the web browser. In development for many years, and currently one of the most popular open source internet suites, it is used by millions of people around the world.

SeaMonkey has inherited the successful all-in-one concept of the original Netscape Communicator and continues that product line based on the modern, cross-platform architecture provided by the Mozilla project.

The SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite is composed of

  • The Internet browser at the core of the SeaMonkey suite uses the same rendering engine and application platform as its sibling Mozilla Firefox, with popular features like tabbed browsing, feed detection, popup blocking, smart location bar, find as you type and a lot of other functionality for a smooth web experience.
  • SeaMonkey's Mail and Newsgroups client shares lots of code with Mozilla Thunderbird and features adaptive Junk mail filtering, tags and mail views, web feeds reading, tabbed messaging, multiple accounts, S/MIME, address books with LDAP support and is ready for both private and corporate use.
  • Additional components include an easy-to-use HTML Editor, the ChatZilla IRC chat application and web development tools like a DOM Inspector and a JavaScript debugger.
  • If that's still not enough, SeaMonkey can be extended with numerous Add-Ons that provide additional functionality and customization for a complete Internet experience.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: RainerBielefeld, Philip Chee
 Last updated by: RainerBielefeld,