{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:25:37.075945", "uuid": "53e0fa2a-df8a-481b-b86b-e642a1387271", "title": "Firefox for Android automation using Robocop", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Robocop/Firefox_for_Android_automation_using_Robocop", "tags": ["Firefox for Android", "Automation"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-09-27T20:51:37", "label": "Firefox for Android automation using Robocop", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 64247, "last_edit": "2014-09-27T20:51:36", "summary": "Robocop is a Java-based testing framework which is an extension of the Android Robotium test tool with features needed to perform automation on Firefox for Android builds.", "sections": [{"id": "Limitations_of_Robocop_and_where_it_can_be_used", "title": "Limitations of Robocop and where it can be used"}, {"id": "Getting_started_with_Robocop_tests", "title": "Getting started with Robocop tests"}, {"id": "Start_writing_a_new_test", "title": "Start writing a new test"}, {"id": "Basic_structure_of_a_test", "title": "Basic structure of a test"}, {"id": "APIs", "title": "APIs"}, {"id": "Usable_IDs", "title": "Usable IDs"}, {"id": "Basic_code_sequences_to_do_different_actions_2", "title": null}, {"id": "Load_Page", "title": "Load Page"}, {"id": "Check_Page_Title", "title": "Check Page Title"}, {"id": "Open_app_menu", "title": "Open app menu"}, {"id": "Simulate_a_Back_key_press", "title": "Simulate a Back key press:"}, {"id": "Set_up_a_listener_to_catch_a_new_page_load_in_a_new_tab", "title": "Set up a listener to catch a new page load in a new tab"}, {"id": "Wait_for_the_tab_and_page_load", "title": "Wait for the tab and page load"}, {"id": "Wait_for_Gecko_to_complete_loading", "title": "Wait for Gecko to complete loading"}, {"id": "Open_the_Bookmarks_tab", "title": "Open the Bookmarks tab"}, {"id": "Open_the_bookmark_context_menu", "title": "Open the bookmark context menu"}, {"id": "Open_a_new_tab_and_check_the_tab_count", "title": "Open a new tab and check the tab count"}, {"id": "Loging_info_in_the_Android_Logs", "title": "Loging info in the Android Logs"}, {"id": "Test_that_an_object_is_not_the_same_as_a_second_object", "title": "Test that an object is not the same as a second object"}, {"id": "Test_that_an_object_is_the_same_as_a_second_object", "title": "Test that an object is the same as a second object"}, {"id": "Write_text_in_the_Logs", "title": "Write text in the Logs"}, {"id": "Log_info_about_test_progression", "title": "Log info about test progression"}, {"id": "Updating_your_test_directory", "title": "Updating your test directory"}, {"id": "Testing_and_submitting_the_test_as_a_patch", "title": "Testing and submitting the test as a patch"}], "slug": "Mozilla/QA/Robocop/Firefox_for_Android_automation_using_Robocop", "review_tags": []}