{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:08:57.502174", "uuid": "dc84cf84-8755-48c5-9035-8b60f061d7aa", "title": "Reducing testcases", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Reducing_testcases", "tags": ["QA"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-07-19T04:40:56", "label": "Reducing testcases", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 9321, "last_edit": "2015-07-19T04:40:56", "summary": "A reduced testcase is the simplest possible Web page that still demonstrates the bug. A bug report with a reduced testcase is easier to tackle than a bug report that merely refers to a web page that Firefox displays incorrectly.", "sections": [{"id": "Why_make_reduced_testcases.3F", "title": "Why make reduced testcases?"}, {"id": "How_do_I_make_a_reduced_testcase.3F", "title": "How do I make a reduced testcase?"}, {"id": "What_do_I_do_with_a_reduced_testcase.3F", "title": "What do I do with a reduced testcase?"}, {"id": "External_files", "title": "External files"}, {"id": "Standards_and_quirks_modes", "title": "Standards and quirks modes"}, {"id": "Increasing_testcase_clarity", "title": "Increasing testcase clarity"}, {"id": "Useful_tools", "title": "Useful tools"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}, {"id": "Original_document_information", "title": "Original document information"}], "slug": "Mozilla/QA/Reducing_testcases", "review_tags": []}