{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:59:17.502570", "uuid": "2f3f2d57-46f5-4786-a84a-c2473f296149", "title": "TPS Tests", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/TPS_Tests", "tags": ["Developing Mozilla", "TPS", "QA", "Testing"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T01:19:59", "label": "TPS Tests", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 5318, "last_edit": "2014-07-24T08:30:27", "summary": "TPS consists of a Firefox extension of the same name, along with a python test runner. The python test runner will read a test file (in JavaScript format), setup a Firefox profile with the necessary extensions and preferences, then launch Firefox and pass the test file to the extension. The extension will read the test file and perform a series of actions specified therein, such as populating a set of bookmarks, syncing to the Sync server, making bookmark modifications, etc.", "sections": [{"id": "Set_up_an_environment_and_run_a_test", "title": "Set up an environment and run a test"}, {"id": "Steps", "title": "Steps"}, {"id": "Get_the_source_code", "title": "Get the source code"}, {"id": "cd_into_the_tps_folder", "title": "cd into the tps folder"}, {"id": "Create_the_environment", "title": "Create the environment"}, {"id": "Activate_the_environment", "title": "Activate the environment"}, {"id": "Run_some_tests", "title": "Run some tests"}, {"id": "Example_test", "title": "Example test"}, {"id": "Test_format", "title": "Test format"}, {"id": "Test_phases", "title": "Test phases"}, {"id": "Asset_lists", "title": "Asset lists"}, {"id": "Test_Phases", "title": "Test Phases"}, {"id": "Built-in_functions", "title": "Built-in functions"}, {"id": "Custom_functions", "title": "Custom functions"}, {"id": "Mozmill_tests_in_TPS", "title": "Mozmill tests in TPS"}, {"id": "Initiating_a_sync_in_a_Mozmill_TPS_test", "title": "Initiating a sync in a Mozmill TPS test"}, {"id": "Troubleshooting_and_debugging_tips_for_writing_TPS_tests", "title": "Troubleshooting and debugging tips for writing TPS tests"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Projects/TPS_Tests", "review_tags": []}