{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:17:15.075293", "uuid": "adc43649-269f-4507-8498-c6d8e6678603", "title": "JS_DeleteElement", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_DeleteElement", "tags": ["SpiderMonkey", "JSAPI Reference"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-03-28T07:05:25", "label": "JS_DeleteElement", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 19163, "last_edit": "2015-03-28T07:05:16", "summary": "JS_DeleteElement removes a specified element or numeric property, index, from an object, obj. If an object references an element belonging to a prototype, the element reference is removed from the object, but the prototype's element is not deleted. If deletion is successful, JS_DeleteElement returns true. Otherwise it returns false.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Syntax", "title": "Syntax"}, {"id": "Description", "title": "Description"}, {"id": "See_Also", "title": "See Also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JS_DeleteElement", "review_tags": []}