{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:41:17.654515", "uuid": "1cb6df71-595b-413e-a1c1-15760b4d344f", "title": "JSID_VOID", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JSID_VOID", "tags": ["R\u00e9f\u00e9rence", "Reference", "SpiderMonkey", "JSAPI Reference"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-01-18T14:04:43", "label": "JSID_VOID", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 133075, "last_edit": "2015-01-18T14:04:34", "summary": "JSID_VOID does not occur in JS scripts but may be used to indicate the absence of a valid jsid. A void jsid is not a valid id and only arises as an exceptional API return value, such as in JS_NextProperty. Embeddings must not pass JSID_VOID into JSAPI entry points expecting a jsid and do not need to handle JSID_VOID in hooks receiving a jsid except when explicitly noted in the API contract.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Syntax", "title": "Syntax"}, {"id": "Description", "title": "Description"}, {"id": "See_Also", "title": "See Also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/JSAPI_reference/JSID_VOID", "review_tags": ["technical"]}