{"json_modified": "2016-04-29T14:26:43.705600", "uuid": "e1f30311-b7aa-4dac-af96-35383a40d2f8", "title": "Profile Manager", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Profile_Manager", "tags": ["Profiles"], "translations": [{"uuid": "b079d15d-8b97-41ee-b693-c95769113c87", "title": "Profilmanager", "url": "/de/docs/Profile_Manager", "tags": [], "summary": "Firefox und andere XULRunner Anwendungen speichern Benutzereinstellungen und -daten in speziellen Ordnern, den sogenannten Profilen. Firefox stellt ein eingebautes Hilfsprogramm zum Verwalten dieser Profile bereit, allerdings k\u00f6nnte dieser zuk\u00fcnftig entfernt werden (siehe bug 214675), weshalb eine neue, eigenst\u00e4ndige Profilmanager-Anwendung entwickelt wurde die mit jeder XULRunner-Anwendung funktioniert und etliche Funktionen enth\u00e4lt, die in der in Firefox eingebauten Version nicht zu finden waren.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2015-10-31T11:41:58", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "3bc99617-ad96-4974-8b55-36847065a6bc", "title": "Administrador de perfiles", "url": "/es/docs/Administrador_de_perfiles", "tags": ["perfiles"], "summary": "Firefox y otras aplicaciones XULRunner guardan la configuraci\u00f3n y los datos de los usuarios en carpetas especiales llamadas perfiles. Firefox proporciona un applet integrado para la gesti\u00f3n de estos perfiles, pero con el tiempo va a desaparecer (ver bug 214675), por lo que se ha creado una nueva aplicaci\u00f3n de Administrador de perfiles independiente que funciona con cualquier aplicaci\u00f3n XULRunner y que tiene muchas caracter\u00edsticas que no se encuentran en la versi\u00f3n integrada de Firefox versi\u00f3n.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2012-05-13T13:42:20", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "c2fa61f8-6576-4eac-a79f-b1f6648e84c7", "title": "Profile Manager", "url": "/fr/docs/Profile_Manager", "tags": [], "summary": "Firefox les autres applications XULRunner stockent les param\u00e9trages des utilisateurs et leurs donn\u00e9es dans des dossiers sp\u00e9ciaux, appel\u00e9s profils.\u00a0 Firefox fournit un applet natif pour g\u00e9rer ces profils, mais il finira par \u00eatre retir\u00e9 (voir le bug 214675). Une application de Gestionnaire de Profils ind\u00e9pendante a donc \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9e. Elle fonctionne avec n'importe quelle application XULRunner et a de nombreuses fonctionnalit\u00e9s que l'on ne trouve pas dans la version native de Firefox.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2014-04-17T01:19:07", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "d84c4343-8070-4abe-b6f4-e7bbaa46eba3", "title": "Profile Manager", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Profile_Manager", "tags": ["Profiles", "\u914d\u7f6e\u6587\u4ef6"], "summary": "Firefox \u548c\u5176\u4ed6 XULRunner \u5e94\u7528\u7a0b\u5e8f\u4fdd\u5b58\u5728\u7279\u6b8a\u6587\u4ef6\u5939\u4e0b\u7684\u7528\u6237\u8bbe\u7f6e\u548c\u6570\u636e\uff0c\u88ab\u79f0\u4e3a profiles \uff08\u7528\u6237\u914d\u7f6e\u6587\u4ef6\uff09\u3002 \u00a0 Firefox \u63d0\u4f9b\u4e86\u4e00\u4e2a\u5185\u7f6e\u7684\u5c0f\u7a0b\u5e8f\u6765 \u7ba1\u7406\u8fd9\u4e9b\u914d\u7f6e\u6587\u4ef6\uff0c\u4f46\u5b83\u6700\u7ec8\u4f1a\u6d88\u5931\uff08\u53c2\u89c1 bug 214675\uff09\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4e00\u4e2a\u65b0\u7684\u72ec\u7acb\u7684\u7528\u6237\u914d\u7f6e\u6587\u4ef6\u7ba1\u7406\u5668\u5e94\u7528\u88ab\u521b\u5efa\uff0c\u5b83\u662f\u7528\u4e8e\u4efb\u4f55\u57fa\u4e8eXULRunner\u7684\u5e94\u7528\u7a0b\u5e8f\uff0c\u8fd8\u6709\u8bb8\u591a\u5728Firefox \u5185\u7f6e\u7684\u7248\u672c\u4e2d\u6ca1\u88ab\u4f53\u73b0\u51fa\u6765\u7684\u529f\u80fd \u3002", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2012-06-07T11:33:48", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "f1848edc-f65d-4c0d-9bd9-e1bdc39693b2", "title": "Profile Manager", "url": "/zh-TW/docs/Profile_Manager", "tags": [], "summary": "Firefox and other XULRunner applications store user settings and data in special folders, called profiles. \u00a0\u00a0 Firefox provides a built-in applet to manage these profiles, but it will eventually be going away (see bug 214675), so a new standalone Profile Manager application has been created, which works with any XULRunner application, and has many features not found in Firefox's built-in version.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-TW", "last_edit": "2014-04-26T10:03:40", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-04-29T14:26:43", "label": "Profile Manager", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 650, "last_edit": "2016-04-29T14:26:41", "summary": "Firefox and other XULRunner applications store user settings and data in special folders, called profiles. \u00a0\u00a0 Firefox provides a built-in applet to manage these profiles, but it will eventually be going away (see bug 214675), so a new standalone Profile Manager application has been created, which works with any XULRunner application, and has many features not found in Firefox's built-in version.", "sections": [{"id": "Downloading", "title": "Downloading"}, {"id": "Binaries", "title": "Binaries"}, {"id": "Source_code", "title": "Source code"}, {"id": "Reporting_Bugs", "title": "Reporting Bugs"}, {"id": "Starting_Profile_Manager", "title": "Starting Profile Manager"}, {"id": "Profiles_and_application_versions", "title": "Profiles and application versions"}, {"id": "Creating_a_profile", "title": "Creating a profile"}, {"id": "Launching_Firefox_with_a_profile", "title": "Launching Firefox with a profile"}, {"id": "Locked_profiles", "title": "Locked profiles"}, {"id": "Backing_up_and_restoring_profiles", "title": "Backing up and restoring profiles"}, {"id": "Backup_folder", "title": "Backup folder"}, {"id": "Profile_archives", "title": "Profile archives"}, {"id": "Other_Operations", "title": "Other Operations"}, {"id": "Future_Enhancements", "title": "Future Enhancements"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Profile_Manager", "review_tags": []}