Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Automated performance testing and sheriffing

We have several test harnesses that test Firefox for various performance characteristics (page load time, startup time, etc.). We also generate some metrics as part of the build process (like installer size) that are interesting to track over time. Currently we aggregate this information in the Perfherder web application where performance sheriffs watch for significant regressions, filing bugs as appropriate.

Current list of automated systems we are tracking (at least to some degree):

  • Talos: The main performance system, run on virtually every check-in to an integration branch
  • build_metrics: A grab bag of performance metrics generated by the build system
  • AreWeFastYet: A generic JavaScript and Web benchmarking system
  • AreWeSlimYet: A memory benchmarking tool

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: ThatGlennD, wlach
 Last updated by: ThatGlennD,