{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:12:41.349791", "uuid": "2bd35b14-89c4-4b80-99e2-3f734327f451", "title": "Mozilla external string guide", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Mozilla_external_string_guide", "tags": ["Strings", "Guide", "Mozilla", "strings"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T11:18:34", "label": "Mozilla external string guide", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 13656, "last_edit": "2013-10-26T05:59:27", "summary": " \nThis page has been flagged by editors or users as needing technical review. \nUntil it is fully reviewed, it may contain inaccurate or incorrect information. \n", "sections": [{"id": "Introduction", "title": "Introduction"}, {"id": "The_Abstract_Classes", "title": "The Abstract Classes"}, {"id": "The_Concrete_Classes", "title": "The Concrete Classes"}, {"id": "Using_External_Strings", "title": "Using External Strings"}, {"id": "Include", "title": "Include"}, {"id": "Declaration", "title": "Declaration"}, {"id": "Helper_Classes_and_Functions", "title": "Helper Classes and Functions"}, {"id": "Append", "title": "Append"}, {"id": "Iteration", "title": "Iteration"}, {"id": "Setting_the_length", "title": "Setting the length"}, {"id": "Comparison", "title": "Comparison"}, {"id": "Finding_Text_Within_Strings", "title": "Finding Text Within Strings"}, {"id": "Substrings", "title": "Substrings"}, {"id": "Head_and_Tail", "title": "Head and Tail"}, {"id": "Begins_and_Ends", "title": "Begins and Ends"}, {"id": "Case_(Upper_and_Lower)", "title": "Case (Upper and Lower)"}, {"id": "Whitespace", "title": "Whitespace"}, {"id": "Unicode_Conversion_ns*CString_vs._ns*String", "title": "Unicode Conversion ns*CString vs. ns*String"}, {"id": "*_to_UTF-16_conversion", "title": "* to UTF-16 conversion"}, {"id": "*_to_UTF-8_or_ASCII_Conversion", "title": "* to UTF-8 or ASCII Conversion"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Mozilla_external_string_guide", "review_tags": ["technical"]}