{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:19:45.735335", "uuid": "87ec3ae4-e362-43a0-b2b3-06e18f307157", "title": "Mozilla Port Blocking", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Mozilla_Port_Blocking", "tags": ["Necko", "Outdated_articles"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T11:18:53", "label": "Mozilla Port Blocking", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 36634, "last_edit": "2014-02-04T09:35:36", "summary": "On 08/15/2001, Cert issued a Vulnerability Note VU#476267 for a \"Cross-Protocol\" scripting attack, known as the HTML Form Protocol Attack which allowed sending arbitrary data to most TCP ports. A simple exploit of this hole allows an attacker to send forged unsigned mail through a mail server behind your firewall: A really nasty hole.", "sections": [{"id": "Background", "title": "Background"}, {"id": "Potential_Problems_caused_by_Port_Blocking", "title": "Potential Problems caused by Port Blocking"}, {"id": "Modifying_Mozilla.27s_port_blocking_at_Run_time", "title": "Modifying Mozilla's port blocking at Run time"}, {"id": "Enabling_Ports", "title": "Enabling Ports"}, {"id": "Disabling_Ports", "title": "Disabling Ports"}, {"id": "Blocked_Ports", "title": "Blocked Ports"}, {"id": "Protocol_Specific_Exceptions", "title": "Protocol Specific Exceptions"}, {"id": "How_to_Change_Mozilla_port_blocking_permanently", "title": "How to Change Mozilla port blocking permanently"}, {"id": "Things_to_do", "title": "Things to do"}, {"id": "More_Information", "title": "More Information"}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": "Original Document Information"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Mozilla_Port_Blocking", "review_tags": []}