{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:53:51.725657", "uuid": "44160bf6-ec7b-4b4e-a447-014d64f5facd", "title": "Fonts for Mozilla 1.9's MathML engine", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/Fonts_for_Mozilla_1.9's_MathML_engine", "tags": ["MathML", "MathML Project"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-05-22T00:09:09", "label": "Fonts for Mozilla 1.9's MathML engine", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 2916, "last_edit": "2014-05-22T00:09:09", "summary": "The STIX Fonts Project has been developing a comprehensive set of fonts that cover all the symbols in MathML. A copy of these fonts is provided on this wiki and should be installed for best MathML rendering. You should download a Zip archive of STIX fonts 1.0 + additional fonts from STIX Beta. Indeed, even if STIX fonts 1.0 are already installed on your system, you need the STIXSiz*.odf fonts provided in this archive.", "sections": [{"id": "STIX_Fonts", "title": "STIX Fonts"}, {"id": "Resetting_Old_Setup", "title": "Resetting Old Setup"}], "slug": "Mozilla/MathML_Project/Fonts_for_Mozilla_1.9's_MathML_engine", "review_tags": []}