{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:24:41.637773", "uuid": "fc757caf-4b78-4f9c-a47d-43b9e1fe0db9", "title": "Basics", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/Basics", "tags": ["MathML"], "translations": [{"uuid": "0a7bd30f-04b7-4efd-ad00-d140afa97cb4", "title": "Bases de MathML", "url": "/es/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/Basics", "tags": [], "summary": "Este documento muestra algunas de las construcciones b\u00e1sicas de MathML. Est\u00e1 confeccionado para mostrarse correctamente con la tipograf\u00eda/fuente Symbol. Puedes ver su fuente. No obstante,\u00a0 los documentos de MathML tienden a ser verborr\u00e1gicos y puede ser que te extrav\u00edes intentando localizar fragmentos de MathML con la vista usual de c\u00f3digo fuente. Se ha hecho esta demo con el fin de ilustrar los siguientes aspectos. Puedes hacer un clic derecho sobre cualquier fragmento matem\u00e1tico de inter\u00e9s a lo largo de este documento. El men\u00fa contextual no aparecer\u00e1. En realidad, el fragmento matem\u00e1tico har\u00e1 zoom y, si haces clic una segunda vez, ver\u00e1s el WYSIWYG de lenguaje de marcado de MathML; y, si tu haces clic por tercera vez, el fragmento regresar\u00e1 a su estado original. Este modo de tres estados busca limitar los conflictos con otros agentes que compitan por el mouse.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2013-11-27T16:55:56", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2014-03-25T16:19:12", "label": "Basics", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 58169, "last_edit": "2013-04-28T13:12:55", "summary": "This document illustrates some basic MathML constructions. It is tailored to display correctly with just the Symbol font. You can view its source. However, MathML documents tend to be verbose and you might get lost trying to locate a MathML fragment with the usual view source. This demo has been made to illustrate the following aspects. You can right-click on any math fragment of interest throughout this document. The context menu won't show up. Rather, the math fragment will zoom, and if you right-click a second time, you will see the MathML WYSIWYG markup of the fragment, and if you right-click again a third time, the fragment will revert to its initial state. This tri-state mode is aimed at limiting conflicts with other agents that compete for the mouse.", "sections": [{"id": "MathML_Basics", "title": "MathML Basics"}, {"id": "MathML_and_Javascript", "title": "MathML and Javascript"}, {"id": "HTML_Content", "title": "HTML Content"}, {"id": "CSS_Content", "title": "CSS Content"}, {"id": "JavaScript_Content", "title": "JavaScript Content"}, {"id": "MathML_Button", "title": "MathML Button"}, {"id": "HTML_Content_2", "title": "HTML Content"}, {"id": "MathML_Background_Image", "title": "MathML Background Image"}, {"id": "HTML_Content_3", "title": "HTML Content"}, {"id": "CSS_Content_2", "title": "CSS Content"}], "slug": "Mozilla/MathML_Project/Basics", "review_tags": []}