{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:35:47.814411", "uuid": "20081948-fe29-4817-a1ca-bb90ff44299e", "title": "Packaged or hosted?", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_or_hosted", "tags": ["Beginner", "Guide", "Apps", "Marketplace", "Firefox OS"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-03-11T05:02:54", "label": "Packaged or hosted?", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 107147, "last_edit": "2015-01-07T11:27:37", "summary": "While Packaged Apps are the recommended way to deliver your Firefox Marketplace apps, there may be benefits to using the Hosted App approach. This page provides a guide to the key differences between these delivery methods and offers advice on choosing between the two.", "sections": [{"id": "Packaged_and_Hosted_apps_compared", "title": "Packaged and Hosted apps compared"}, {"id": "Functionality", "title": "Functionality"}, {"id": "Performance", "title": "Performance"}, {"id": "Availability", "title": "Availability"}, {"id": "Hosting", "title": "Hosting"}, {"id": "Discovery", "title": "Discovery"}, {"id": "Delivery", "title": "Delivery"}, {"id": "Development", "title": "Development"}, {"id": "Making_your_choice", "title": "Making your choice"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Marketplace/Options/Packaged_or_hosted", "review_tags": []}