{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T07:59:25.425798", "uuid": "a742735b-66c5-4cf1-82c6-bb7d5955bc9d", "title": "Localizing without a specialized tool", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_without_a_specialized_tool", "tags": [], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-05-27T09:45:41", "label": "Localizing without a specialized tool", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 5354, "last_edit": "2014-05-27T09:45:41", "summary": "From the Create a New Localization document, an interested localizer can follow a technical step-by-step process that starts the localization process by focusing on how to localize two of the primary types of localization files (DTD and properties) used in the Mozilla source code. With that document, users can see immediately two localized files in their user interface by following closely and carefully the steps to create a language pack or a binary file that is ready for installation. Repeating the process allows a localizer to create a testable package to see his or her work as they progress to a final version.", "sections": [{"id": "What_we_will_translate", "title": "What we will translate"}, {"id": "Folder_structure", "title": "Folder structure"}, {"id": "Get_the_source", "title": "Get the source"}, {"id": "Getting_Started_with_Compare-Locales", "title": "Getting Started with Compare-Locales"}, {"id": "Localizing_Step-by-Step", "title": "Localizing Step-by-Step"}, {"id": "DTD_files", "title": "DTD files"}, {"id": ".properties_Files", "title": ".properties Files"}, {"id": "Going_one-by-one", "title": "Going one-by-one"}, {"id": "Translating", "title": "Translating"}, {"id": "Recommended_order_of_localization", "title": "Recommended order of localization"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_without_a_specialized_tool", "review_tags": []}