{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:14:29.607565", "uuid": "ac4c66d1-4382-4a37-ab96-cdc414727999", "title": "Hacking with Bonsai", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Hacking_with_Bonsai", "tags": [], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T02:02:25", "label": "Hacking with Bonsai", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 16606, "last_edit": "2009-05-31T15:24:53", "summary": "Bonsai was originally created to solve the problem of tree instability. The original Navigator code base had large sections that were shared across multiple platforms. Many times, code checked in would compile or run on a handful of platforms. Also, with as many as 100 engineers, it was very difficult to determine what happened in the tree that caused the instability. Bonsai was created to solve these problems.", "sections": [{"id": "Hacking_Mozilla_With_Bonsai", "title": "Hacking Mozilla With Bonsai"}, {"id": "The_Process", "title": "The Process"}, {"id": "The_rules", "title": "The rules"}, {"id": "Helpful_Attitudes", "title": "Helpful Attitudes"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Hacking_with_Bonsai", "review_tags": []}