{"json_modified": "2016-04-28T05:35:32.725560", "uuid": "1fc7984e-6c4d-4047-97d6-469ce1f880fc", "title": "Firefox OS TV User Interface & Animation Design", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS_for_TV/User_interface_animation_design", "tags": ["Interface", "UI", "UX", "Design", "TV"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-04-28T05:35:33", "label": "Firefox OS TV User Interface & Animation Design", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 149791, "last_edit": "2016-04-28T05:35:30", "summary": "The approach to design Firefox OS for Television is fundamentally different from phones or tablets. It requires repeated thinking of how experiences are structured and how to fulfill the needs of a wide range of users. This article will focus on\u00a0the specifics of Firefox OS for Television's UI and motion design.", "sections": [{"id": "User_interface_design", "title": "User interface design"}, {"id": "Responsive", "title": "Responsive"}, {"id": "Style", "title": "Style"}, {"id": "Customizable", "title": "Customizable"}, {"id": "Design_in_Animations", "title": "Design in Animations"}, {"id": "Groundwork", "title": "Groundwork"}, {"id": "Responsive_2", "title": "Responsive"}, {"id": "Personality", "title": "Personality"}, {"id": "Orientation", "title": "Orientation"}, {"id": "Less_is_more", "title": "Less is more"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Firefox_OS_for_TV/User_interface_animation_design", "review_tags": []}