{"json_modified": "2016-05-04T01:19:18.078598", "uuid": "b99e815b-fd21-4b53-98f7-677daa64237c", "title": "Using the NFC emulator", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/NFC_API/Using_the_NFC_emulator", "tags": ["API", "Guide", "NFC", "Firefox OS", "Emulator", "guide", "Api"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-05-04T01:19:18", "label": "Using the NFC emulator", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 114601, "last_edit": "2016-05-04T01:03:25", "summary": "For testing of the NFC API, there is an NFC emulator available. This article details how to set up and use the emulator, and perform some simple tests.", "sections": [{"id": "NFC_emulator_prerequisities", "title": null}, {"id": "Launching_the_emulator", "title": "Launching the emulator"}, {"id": "Telnet_command_line_interface", "title": "Telnet command line interface"}, {"id": "Testing_peer_to_peer_content_sharing", "title": "Testing peer to peer content sharing"}, {"id": "Initial_connection_setup", "title": "Initial connection setup"}, {"id": "Sending_messages", "title": "Sending messages"}, {"id": "NDEF_message_syntax", "title": "NDEF message syntax"}, {"id": "Flags", "title": "Flags"}, {"id": "TNF_(Type_Name_Format)", "title": "TNF (Type Name Format)"}, {"id": "Record_type", "title": "Record type"}, {"id": "Payload", "title": "Payload"}, {"id": "Record_ID", "title": "Record ID"}, {"id": "Example_SNEP_commands", "title": null}, {"id": "URLs", "title": "URLs"}, {"id": "Mailto_URI", "title": "Mailto: URI"}, {"id": "Tel_URI", "title": "Tel: URI"}, {"id": "VCards", "title": "VCards"}, {"id": "Smart_posters", "title": "Smart posters"}], "slug": "Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/NFC_API/Using_the_NFC_emulator", "review_tags": []}