{"json_modified": "2016-05-04T01:19:17.996881", "uuid": "aa323169-2893-4d52-bd05-becded826f19", "title": "Using the NFC API", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/NFC_API/Using_the_NFC_API", "tags": ["API", "Guide", "NFC", "Firefox OS", "guide", "Api"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-05-04T01:19:17", "label": "Using the NFC API", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 114599, "last_edit": "2016-05-04T01:03:25", "summary": "The contacts app uses NFC P2P Functionality for sending and receiving vcards. Look at gaia/apps/communications/contacts/js/nfc.js. In Firefox OS 2.2, there an app called nfc-api-test, which contains all the samples for using NFC API.", "sections": [{"id": "Working_NFC_API_Examples", "title": "Working NFC API Examples"}, {"id": "Registering_the_NFC_web_activity", "title": "Registering the NFC web activity"}, {"id": "Permissions", "title": "Permissions"}, {"id": "Working_with_NFC_tags", "title": "Working with NFC tags"}, {"id": "Getting_a_MozNFCTag_object", "title": "Getting a MozNFCTag object"}, {"id": "Reading_a_MozNFCTag", "title": "Reading a MozNFCTag"}, {"id": "Writing_data_to_an_NFC_tag", "title": "Writing data to an NFC tag"}, {"id": "Sending_data_to_peers_via_NFC", "title": "Sending data to peers via NFC"}, {"id": "Registering_the_onpeerfound_callback_to_react_to_peers", "title": "Registering the onpeerfound callback to react to peers"}, {"id": "The_P2P_Sharing_UI_(CertifiedInternal_app_only)", "title": "The P2P Sharing UI (Certified/Internal app only)"}, {"id": "Constructing_a_MozNFCPeer_object", "title": "Constructing a MozNFCPeer object"}, {"id": "Sending_an_NDEF_to_another_MozNFCPeer", "title": "Sending an NDEF to another MozNFCPeer"}, {"id": "Sending_a_Blob_to_another_MozNFCPeer_by_NFC_handover_(CertifiedInternal_Only)", "title": "Sending a Blob to another MozNFCPeer by NFC handover (Certified/Internal Only)"}, {"id": "Specifications", "title": "Specifications"}, {"id": "Browser_compatibility", "title": "Browser compatibility"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/NFC_API/Using_the_NFC_API", "review_tags": []}