{"json_modified": "2016-05-04T01:13:41.926144", "uuid": "b55050a6-a1a7-45d5-b2e7-1d89533261c0", "title": "MozMobileConnection", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/MozMobileConnection", "tags": ["API", "B2G", "Reference", "Non-standard", "Firefox OS", "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence", "Non-Standard", "Mobile", "Api"], "translations": [{"uuid": "51a17908-2a11-49ae-9552-87ab451eb53c", "title": "MozMobileConnection", "url": "/de/docs/Web/API/MozMobileConnection", "tags": [], "summary": "This API is used to get information about the current mobile voice and data connection states of the device. It is accessible through navigator.mozMobileConnections, which returns an array of MozMobileConnection objects.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2015-02-23T14:59:07", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-05-04T01:13:41", "label": "MozMobileConnection", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 62029, "last_edit": "2016-05-04T01:01:45", "summary": "This API is used to get information about the current mobile voice and data connection states of the device. It is accessible through navigator.mozMobileConnections, which returns an array of MozMobileConnection objects.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Syntax", "title": "Interface overview"}, {"id": "Properties", "title": "Properties"}, {"id": "Constants", "title": "Constants"}, {"id": "Methods", "title": "Methods"}, {"id": "Additional_methods_for_Mozilla_chrome_code", "title": "Additional methods for Mozilla chrome code"}, {"id": "Examples", "title": "Examples"}, {"id": "Specification", "title": "Specification"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/MozMobileConnection", "review_tags": []}