{"json_modified": "2016-05-04T01:11:56.436973", "uuid": "fd48fdd0-e5ad-4216-bd11-678bb0764db2", "title": "CameraControl.autoFocus()", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/CameraControl/autoFocus", "tags": ["Camera", "API", "WebAPI", "B2G", "Reference", "Firefox OS", "R\u00e9f\u00e9rence", "Non Standard", "camera", "Javascript", "JavaScript", "Graphics", "javascript", "Api", "Method"], "translations": [{"uuid": "1a0bdc56-89c6-4e1a-b9bb-72898f0c6baf", "title": "CameraControl.autoFocus()", "url": "/pt-BR/docs/Web/API/CameraControl/autoFocus", "tags": [], "summary": "This method attempts to focus the camera. If the camera is able to attempt to focus, a success callback is issued, regardless of whether or not the focusing attempt succeeds. If unable to attempt to focus, an error callback is performed instead.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "pt-BR", "last_edit": "2015-10-21T08:52:06", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-05-04T01:11:56", "label": "CameraControl.autoFocus()", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 60519, "last_edit": "2016-05-04T01:01:07", "summary": "This method attempts to focus the camera. If the camera is able to attempt to focus, a success callback is issued, regardless of whether or not the focusing attempt succeeds. If unable to attempt to focus, an error callback is performed instead.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Syntax", "title": "Syntax"}, {"id": "Parameters", "title": "Parameters"}, {"id": "Example", "title": "Example"}, {"id": "Specification", "title": "Specification"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/CameraControl/autoFocus", "review_tags": []}