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Revision 992951 of tabs/utils

  • Revision slug: Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Low-Level_APIs/tabs_utils
  • Revision title: tabs/utils
  • Revision id: 992951
  • Created:
  • Creator: wbamberg
  • Is current revision? Yes
  • Comment

Revision Content



Note that this module includes functions that give you direct access to web content. These functions are not safe to call in multiprocess Firefox. See Multiprocess Firefox and the SDK for more details.

Functions for working with XUL tabs and the XUL tabbrowser object.



activateTab(tab, window)

Set the specified tab as the active, or selected, tab.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element to activate.

window : window
A browser window.


Get the tabbrowser element for the given browser window.


window : window
A browser window.


tabbrowser :


Get the tabbrowser's tabContainer property.


window : window
A browser window.


tabContainer :


Returns the tabs for the specified window.

If you omit window, this function will return tabs across all the browser's windows. However, if your add-on has not opted into private browsing, then the function will exclude all tabs that are hosted by private browser windows.

To learn more about private windows, how to opt into private browsing, and how to support private browsing, refer to the documentation for the private-browsing module.


window : nsIWindow


Array : An array of tab elements.


Given a browser window, get the active, or selected, tab.


window : window
A browser window.


tab : The currently selected tab.


Get the browser window that owns the specified tab.


tab : tab
A browser tab.


window : A browser window.

openTab(window, url, options)

Open a new tab in the specified browser window.


window : window
The browser window in which to open the tab.

url : String
URL for the document to load.

options : object
Optional options:

Name Type  
inBackground boolean

If true, open the new tab, but keep the currently selected tab selected. If false, make the new tab the selected tab. Optional, defaults to false.

pinned boolean

Pin this tab. Optional, defaults to false.


tab : The new tab.


Test whether the specified tab is open.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


boolean : true if the tab is open, otherwise false.


Close the specified tab.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


Get the specified tab's URI.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


String : The current URI.


Get the specified tab's tabbrowser.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


tabbrowser :


Get the specified tab's browser.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


browser :


Get the specified tab's ID. On Firefox for Android this is the tab's id property, and on Firefox Desktop it's derived from its linkedPanel property.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element or a Firefox for Android Tab object.


id : the ID for this tab.


Get the tab identified by id.


id :
On Firefox for Android this is the tab's id property, and on Firefox Desktop it's derived from its linkedPanel property.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element or a Firefox for Android Tab object.


Get the title of the document hosted by the specified tab, or the tab's label if the tab doesn't host a document.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


String :

setTabTitle(tab, title)

Set the title of the document hosted by the specified tab, or the tab's label if the tab doesn't host a document.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.

title : String
The new title.


Get the specified tab's content window.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


window :


Get all tabs' content windows across all the browsers' windows.


Array : Array of windows.


Get the tab element that hosts the specified content window.


window : window


tab :


Get the specified tab's URL.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


String : The current URI.

setTabURL(tab, url)

Set the specified tab's URL.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.

url : String


Get the contentType of the document hosted by the specified tab.


tab : tab
A XUL tab element.


String :


Get the selected tab for the specified browser window.


window : window


tab : A XUL tab element.


Get the tab linked to the specified browser.


browser : browser
the browser whose tab element we want to find.


tab :

the XUL tab element linked to the specified browser, if any.


Revision Source


<div class="note">

<div class="note">
<p>Note that this module includes functions that give you direct access to web content. These functions are not safe to call in multiprocess Firefox. See <a href="/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Guides/Multiprocess_Firefox_and_the_SDK">Multiprocess Firefox and the SDK</a> for more details.</p>

<p><span class="seoSummary">Functions for working with XUL <a href=""><code>tabs</code></a> and the XUL <a href=""><code>tabbrowser</code></a> object.</span></p>

<h2 id="Globals">Globals</h2>

<h3 id="Functions">Functions</h3>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="activateTab(tab_window)"><code>activateTab(tab, window)</code></h4>

<p>Set the specified tab as the active, or <a href="">selected</a>, tab.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A <a href="">XUL <code>tab</code> element</a> to activate.</p>

<p><strong>window : window</strong><br />
 A browser window.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabBrowser(window)"><code>getTabBrowser(window)</code></h4>

<p>Get the <a href=""><code>tabbrowser</code></a> element for the given browser window.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_2">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : window</strong><br />
 A browser window.</p>

<h5 id="Returns">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tabbrowser</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabContainer(window)"><code>getTabContainer(window)</code></h4>

<p>Get the <code>tabbrowser</code>'s <a href=""><code>tabContainer</code></a> property.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_3">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : window</strong><br />
 A browser window.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_2">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tabContainer</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabs(window)"><code>getTabs(window)</code></h4>

<p>Returns the tabs for the specified <code>window</code>.</p>

<p>If you omit <code>window</code>, this function will return tabs across all the browser's windows. However, if your add-on has not opted into private browsing, then the function will exclude all tabs that are hosted by private browser windows.</p>

<p>To learn more about private windows, how to opt into private browsing, and how to support private browsing, refer to the <a href="/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/private-browsing">documentation for the <code>private-browsing</code> module</a>.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_4">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : nsIWindow</strong><br />

<h5 id="Returns_3">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>Array</strong> : An array of <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> elements.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getActiveTab(window)"><code>getActiveTab(window)</code></h4>

<p>Given a browser window, get the active, or <a href="">selected</a>, tab.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_5">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : window</strong><br />
 A browser window.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_4">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tab</strong> : The currently selected <a href=""><code>tab</code></a>.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getOwnerWindow(tab)"><code>getOwnerWindow(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the browser window that owns the specified <code>tab</code>.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_6">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A browser <a href=""><code>tab</code></a>.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_5">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>window</strong> : A browser window.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="openTab(window_url_options)"><code>openTab(window, url, options)</code></h4>

<p>Open a new tab in the specified browser window.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_7">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : window</strong><br />
 The browser window in which to open the tab.</p>

<p><strong>url : String</strong><br />
 URL for the document to load.</p>

<p><strong>options : object</strong><br />
 Optional options:</p>

<table class="standard-table">
   <th scope="col">Name</th>
   <th scope="col">Type</th>
   <th scope="col">&nbsp;</th>
    <p>If <code>true</code>, open the new tab, but keep the currently selected tab selected. If <code>false</code>, make the new tab the selected tab. Optional, defaults to <code>false</code>.</p>
    <p>Pin this tab. Optional, defaults to <code>false</code>.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_6">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tab</strong> : The new <a href=""><code>tab</code></a>.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="isTabOpen(tab)"><code>isTabOpen(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Test whether the specified tab is open.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_8">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_7">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>boolean</strong> : <code>true</code> if the tab is open, otherwise <code>false</code>.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="closeTab(tab)"><code>closeTab(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Close the specified tab.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_9">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getURI(tab)"><code>getURI(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the specified tab's URI.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_10">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_8">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>String</strong> : The current URI.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabBrowserForTab(tab)"><code>getTabBrowserForTab(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the specified tab's <a href=""><code>tabbrowser</code></a>.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_11">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_9">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tabbrowser</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getBrowserForTab(tab)"><code>getBrowserForTab(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the specified tab's <a href=""><code>browser</code></a>.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_12">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_10">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>browser</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabId(tab)"><code>getTabId(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the specified tab's ID. On Firefox for Android this is the <a href="/en-US/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/Tab">tab's <code>id</code> property</a>, and on Firefox Desktop it's derived from its <a href="/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Attribute/linkedpanel"><code>linkedPanel</code></a> property.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_13">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element or a Firefox for Android <a href="/en-US/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/Tab"><code>Tab</code></a> object.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_11">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>id</strong> : the ID for this tab.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabForId(id)"><code>getTabForId(id)</code></h4>

<p>Get the tab identified by <code>id</code>.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_14">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>id : </strong><br />
 On Firefox for Android this is the <a href="/en-US/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/Tab">tab's <code>id</code> property</a>, and on Firefox Desktop it's derived from its <a href="/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Attribute/linkedpanel"><code>linkedPanel</code></a> property.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_12">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element or a Firefox for Android <a href="/en-US/Add-ons/Firefox_for_Android/API/Tab"><code>Tab</code></a> object.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabTitle(tab)"><code>getTabTitle(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the title of the document hosted by the specified tab, or the tab's label if the tab doesn't host a document.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_15">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_13">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>String</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="setTabTitle(tab_title)"><code>setTabTitle(tab, title)</code></h4>

<p>Set the title of the document hosted by the specified tab, or the tab's label if the tab doesn't host a document.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_16">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<p><strong>title : String</strong><br />
 The new title.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabContentWindow(tab)"><code>getTabContentWindow(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the specified tab's content window.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_17">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_14">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>window</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getAllTabContentWindows()"><code>getAllTabContentWindows()</code></h4>

<p>Get all tabs' content windows across all the browsers' windows.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_15">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>Array</strong> : Array of windows.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabForContentWindow(window)"><code>getTabForContentWindow(window)</code></h4>

<p>Get the tab element that hosts the specified content window.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_18">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : window</strong></p>

<h5 id="Returns_16">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tab</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabURL(tab)"><code>getTabURL(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the specified tab's URL.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_19">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_17">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>String</strong> : The current URI.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="setTabURL(tab_url)"><code>setTabURL(tab, url)</code></h4>

<p>Set the specified tab's URL.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_20">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<p><strong>url : String</strong></p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabContentType(tab)"><code>getTabContentType(tab)</code></h4>

<p>Get the <a href=""><code>contentType</code></a> of the document hosted by the specified tab.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_21">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>tab : tab</strong><br />
 A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_18">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>String</strong> :</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getSelectedTab(window)"><code>getSelectedTab(window)</code></h4>

<p>Get the selected tab for the specified browser window.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_22">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>window : window</strong></p>

<h5 id="Returns_19">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tab</strong> : A XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element.</p>

<h4 class="addon-sdk-api-name" id="getTabForBrowser(browser)"><code>getTabForBrowser(browser)</code></h4>

<p>Get the <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> linked to the specified <a href=""><code>browser</code></a>.</p>

<h5 id="Parameters_23">Parameters</h5>

<p><strong>browser : browser</strong><br />
 the <a href=""><code>browser</code></a> whose <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element we want to find.</p>

<h5 id="Returns_20">Returns</h5>

<p><strong>tab</strong> :</p>

<p>the XUL <a href=""><code>tab</code></a> element linked to the specified <a href=""><code>browser</code></a>, if any.</p>

Revert to this revision