{"json_modified": "2016-09-05T13:24:30.311898", "uuid": "ca8401a4-88d4-474e-a474-d7d0518ff3ed", "title": "Builder", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "translations": [{"uuid": "c72a81ba-9d20-4b32-9889-aa1151447faa", "title": "Builder", "url": "/de/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": ["builder"], "summary": "Der Add-on Builder war ein web-basiertes Entwicklungssystem welches Entwicklern erlaubt hat, mit den SDK APIs Addons zu erstellen ohne das cfx Kommando-Zeilen-Tool verwenden zu m\u00fcssen. Es wurde am 1. April 2014 eingestellt und jetzt leitet es auf die builder.addons.mozilla.org-Seite weiter.

\n If you have only used the SDK through the Builder, you already know most of what you need to know to develop using just the SDK. The high-level and low-level APIs used for Builder add-ons are exactly the same for Builder and SDK. To switch to the SDK:", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2014-10-18T03:26:31", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "5e23f317-15ed-47d3-85cd-085fb84a37f1", "title": "Builder", "url": "/es/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "summary": "El Builder Add-on fue basado en un ambiente de desarrollo web que permiti\u00f3 a desarrolladores la creaci\u00f3n de add-ons usando las APIs de SDK, pero sin tener que usar las herramientas de linea de comando cfx. El cual fue retirado el primero de Abril 2014 y ahora el dominio direccionara a esta pagina \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\".

\n S\u00ed tu solo has usado el SDK a trabes del Builder, probablemente ya sabes lo que necesitas para el desarrollo con en el SDK. En el alto nivel y el bajo nivel de las APIs usadas por Builder add-ons son exactamente la misma para el Builder y SDK. Para cambiar al\u00a0 SDK se necesita:", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2014-12-15T21:24:36", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "7c3ece68-376f-4a3a-a3bd-d0e685ea74a3", "title": "Builder", "url": "/it/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "summary": "Add-on Builder era un ambiente di sviluppo web-based che permetteva agli sviluppatori usando le SDK API, ma senza il bisogno di utilizzare lo strumento linea di comando cfx. \u00c8 stato dismesso l'1 Aprile 2014, e il dominio \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\" adesso reindirizza a questa pagina.

\n Se hai gi\u00e0 usato SDK attraverso il builder, conosci gi\u00e0 la maggior parte delle cose di cui hai bisogno per sviluppare usando solo SDK. Le high-level e le low-level API usate per il Builder sono esattamente le stesse. Per passare all'SDK:", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "it", "last_edit": "2014-08-02T08:57:25", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "0d055245-658c-42ba-a717-217fddbd6336", "title": "Builder", "url": "/ko/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "summary": "The Add-on Builder was a web-based development environment that allowed developers to create add-ons using the SDK APIs, but without needing to use the cfx command line tool. It was retired on April 1, 2014, and the \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\" domain now redirects to this page.

\n If you have only used the SDK through the Builder, you already know most of what you need to know to develop using just the SDK. The high-level and low-level APIs used for Builder add-ons are exactly the same for Builder and SDK. To switch to the SDK:", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ko", "last_edit": "2014-07-17T14:26:21", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "a8055b00-ecee-4ebe-b837-d0c76896ee56", "title": "Builder", "url": "/ru/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B0", "tags": [], "summary": "The Add-on Builder was a web-based development environment that allowed developers to create add-ons using the SDK APIs, but without needing to use the cfx command line tool. It was retired on April 1, 2014, and the \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\" domain now redirects to this page.

\n If you have only used the SDK through the Builder, you already know most of what you need to know to develop using just the SDK. The high-level and low-level APIs used for Builder add-ons are exactly the same for Builder and SDK. To switch to the SDK:", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ru", "last_edit": "2015-12-03T20:27:45", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "38cd9548-5e88-43b1-a51f-843d3f2ddadd", "title": "Builder", "url": "/vi/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "summary": "The Add-on Builder was a web-based development environment that allowed developers to create add-ons using the SDK APIs, but without needing to use the cfx command line tool. It was retired on April 1, 2014, and the \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\" domain now redirects to this page.

\n If you have only used the SDK through the Builder, you already know most of what you need to know to develop using just the SDK. The high-level and low-level APIs used for Builder add-ons are exactly the same for Builder and SDK. To switch to the SDK:", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "vi", "last_edit": "2014-06-05T02:16:40", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "a7f72ce6-7072-406b-b75f-124b7b88d1e4", "title": "Builder", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "summary": "The Add-on Builder was a web-based development environment that allowed developers to create add-ons using the SDK APIs, but without needing to use the cfx command line tool. It was retired on April 1, 2014, and the \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\" domain now redirects to this page.

\n If you have only used the SDK through the Builder, you already know most of what you need to know to develop using just the SDK. The high-level and low-level APIs used for Builder add-ons are exactly the same for Builder and SDK. To switch to the SDK:", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2014-12-07T04:38:11", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "3b9576d6-e958-4014-8025-c69450c5a186", "title": "Builder", "url": "/zh-TW/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "tags": [], "summary": "Add-on Builder \u662f Web-based \u7684\u958b\u767c\u74b0\u5883\uff0c\u8b93\u958b\u767c\u8005\u80fd\u4ee5 SDK API \u4f86\u958b\u767c\u9644\u52a0\u5143\u4ef6\uff0c\u800c\u4e0d\u5fc5\u4f7f\u7528 cfx \u547d\u4ee4\u5217\u5de5\u5177\u3002Add-on Builder \u5df2\u7d93\u65bc 2014 \u5e74 4 \u6708 1 \u65e5\u4e0b\u67b6\uff0c\u800c\u539f\u672c\u7684\u7db2\u5740\u300cbuilder.addons.mozilla.org\u300d\u5247\u8f49\u81f3\u6b64\u9801\u3002

\n \u82e5\u60a8\u904e\u53bb\u4f7f\u7528 Builder \u4f86\u958b\u767c\u63a1\u7528 SDK \u7684\u9644\u52a0\u5143\u4ef6\uff0c\u4fbf\u5df2\u7372\u5f97\u7d55\u5927\u90e8\u5206\u4ee5 SDK \u76f4\u63a5\u958b\u767c\u7684\u5fc5\u5099\u77e5\u8b58\u3002Builder \u4e2d\u7684 high-level \u8207 low-level API\uff0c\u5c31\u8ddf SDK \u88e1\u7684\u4e00\u6a21\u4e00\u6a23\u3002\u6539\u7528 SDK \u5f88\u7c21\u55ae\uff1a", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-TW", "last_edit": "2014-08-16T01:12:40", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-09-05T13:24:30", "label": "Builder", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 91321, "last_edit": "2016-09-05T13:24:27", "summary": "The Add-on Builder was a web-based development environment that allowed developers to create add-ons using the SDK APIs, but without needing to use the jpm command line tool. It was retired on April 1, 2014, and the \"builder.addons.mozilla.org\" domain now redirects to this page.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}], "slug": "Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Builder", "review_tags": []}