{"json_modified": "2016-09-08T15:18:03.573043", "uuid": "998663ac-6121-4e6e-8193-1377ecf09824", "title": "Review Policies", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "tags": ["Add-ons", "add-ons", "Review Policy"], "translations": [{"uuid": "41003567-7b57-4496-8bf6-8b8a2c3d3ac1", "title": "Review Policies", "url": "/de/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "tags": [], "summary": "In order to protect the safety and sovereignty of Firefox users, Mozilla requires all add-ons to comply with a set of policies on acceptable practices. The exact set of applicable policies varies depending on a number of circumstances, the most important being whether the add-on is hosted on addons.mozilla.org (hereafter AMO), and how the add-on is distributed in the wild.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2015-12-28T00:36:41", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "41b2f242-82fe-4c4c-9ba3-d3127a8c8fee", "title": "\u30ec\u30d3\u30e5\u30fc\u30dd\u30ea\u30b7\u30fc", "url": "/ja/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "tags": [], "summary": "Firefox \u30e6\u30fc\u30b6\u306e\u5b89\u5168\u3068\u6a29\u5229\u3092\u5b88\u308b\u305f\u3081\u306b\u3001Mozilla \u306f\u3059\u3079\u3066\u306e\u30a2\u30c9\u30aa\u30f3\u306b\u73fe\u5b9f\u7684\u306a\u30dd\u30ea\u30b7\u30fc\u3092\u5b88\u308b\u3053\u3068\u3092\u8981\u6c42\u3057\u3066\u3044\u307e\u3059\u3002\u9069\u7528\u3055\u308c\u308b\u30dd\u30ea\u30b7\u30fc\u306e\u6b63\u78ba\u306a\u7bc4\u56f2\u306f\u500b\u3005\u306e\u72b6\u6cc1\u306b\u3088\u308a\u7570\u306a\u308a\u307e\u3059\u304c\u3001\u6700\u3082\u91cd\u8981\u306a\u3053\u3068\u306f\u30a2\u30c9\u30aa\u30f3\u304c addons.mozilla.org \uff08\u4ee5\u964d AMO\uff09\u306b\u30db\u30b9\u30c8\u3055\u308c\u308b\u304b\u3069\u3046\u304b\u3068\u30a2\u30c9\u30aa\u30f3\u306e\u4e16\u306e\u4e2d\u3078\u306e\u914d\u5e03\u65b9\u6cd5\u306b\u3088\u308a\u307e\u3059\u3002", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ja", "last_edit": "2016-02-06T00:11:56", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "6699bf40-0c06-4948-86cb-c1c5fbd59d9f", "title": "Review Policies", "url": "/ms/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "tags": [], "summary": "In order to protect the safety and sovereignty of Firefox users, Mozilla requires all add-ons to comply with a set of policies on acceptable practices. The exact set of applicable policies varies depending on a number of circumstances, the most important being whether the add-on is hosted on addons.mozilla.org (hereafter AMO), and how the add-on is distributed in the wild.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ms", "last_edit": "2016-02-11T11:34:59", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "65a8e955-ff28-40e7-aa81-8d76f892702f", "title": "Pol\u00edticas de Revis\u00e3o", "url": "/pt-PT/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Revis%C3%B5es", "tags": [], "summary": "A fim de proteger a seguran\u00e7a e a soberania dos utilziadores do Firefox, a Mozilla requer que todos os extras cumpram com um conjunto de pol\u00edticas de pr\u00e1ticas aceit\u00e1veis. O conjunto exato das pol\u00edticas aplic\u00e1veis varia de acordo com uma s\u00e9rie de circunst\u00e2ncias, o mais importante \u00e9 saber se o extra est\u00e1 hospedado em addons.mozilla.org (ulteriormente AMO), e como o extra \u00e9 distribu\u00eddo.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "pt-PT", "last_edit": "2015-11-30T07:27:30", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "f0e3f564-a318-4efa-9577-6c950ccf3c7d", "title": "Review Policies", "url": "/th/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "tags": [], "summary": "In order to protect the safety and sovereignty of Firefox users, Mozilla requires all add-ons to comply with a set of policies on acceptable practices. The exact set of applicable policies varies depending on a number of circumstances, the most important being whether the add-on is hosted on addons.mozilla.org (hereafter AMO), and how the add-on is distributed in the wild.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "th", "last_edit": "2016-01-13T05:57:49", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "b8972910-b141-45bb-9d90-99ccef72f95f", "title": "Review \u89c4\u5b9a", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "tags": ["Review \u89c4\u5b9a", "Add-ons", "add-ons", "Review", "\u9644\u52a0\u7ec4\u4ef6"], "summary": "In order to protect the safety and sovereignty of Firefox users, Mozilla requires all add-ons to comply with a set of policies on acceptable practices. The exact set of applicable policies varies depending on a number of circumstances, the most important being whether the add-on is hosted on addons.mozilla.org (hereafter AMO), and how the add-on is distributed in the wild.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2016-07-06T19:49:03", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-09-08T15:18:02", "label": "Review Policies", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 162179, "last_edit": "2016-09-08T15:17:58", "summary": "In order to protect the safety and sovereignty of Firefox users, Mozilla requires all add-ons to comply with a set of policies on acceptable practices. The exact set of applicable policies varies depending on a number of circumstances, the most important being whether the add-on is hosted on addons.mozilla.org (hereafter AMO), and how the add-on is distributed in the wild.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Add-on_Review_Tracks", "title": "Add-on Review Tracks"}, {"id": "Listed_on_AMO", "title": "Listed on AMO"}, {"id": "Unlisted", "title": "Unlisted"}, {"id": "Policies", "title": "Policies"}, {"id": "Security", "title": "Security"}, {"id": "Privacy_and_User_Consent", "title": "Privacy and User Consent"}, {"id": "User_Experience", "title": "User Experience"}, {"id": "Content", "title": "Content"}, {"id": "Technical", "title": "Technical"}, {"id": "Source_Code_Submission", "title": "Source Code Submission"}, {"id": "Reviewers", "title": "Reviewers"}, {"id": "Blocklisting", "title": "Blocklisting"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Add-ons/AMO/Policy/Reviews", "review_tags": []}