{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:24:27.594574", "uuid": "3f596d62-dcde-4fe9-8701-bcf48a715d1c", "title": "How to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug", "url": "/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/Resolve_a_dev-doc-needed_bug", "tags": ["Guide", "MDN Meta", "Howto"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-09-10T16:33:50", "label": "How to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 57299, "last_edit": "2015-09-10T16:33:48", "summary": "Bugzilla is a web-based application that is used to track all changes to all Mozilla software projects. Some bugs (flagged with the \"dev-doc-needed\" keyword) require changes to the documentation on MDN as well as changes to the source code. However, sometimes the comments and descriptions in bugs are obscure and it is difficult to understand what needs to be done on MDN. This page provides a description and example of the steps we use to update MDN.", "sections": [{"id": "A_typical_JavaScript_update", "title": "A typical JavaScript update"}, {"id": "MDN_Doc_bug_tracker", "title": "MDN Doc bug tracker"}, {"id": "Bugzilla", "title": "Bugzilla"}, {"id": "Investigating_the_source_code_in_the_bug", "title": "Investigating the source code in the bug"}, {"id": "Changes_on_MDN", "title": "Changes on MDN"}, {"id": "Updating_Bugzilla", "title": "Updating Bugzilla"}], "slug": "MDN/Contribute/Howto/Resolve_a_dev-doc-needed_bug", "review_tags": []}