{"json_modified": "2016-10-20T08:00:13.663368", "uuid": "977d7210-57c5-452b-bc7c-68a022ada2ba", "title": "Introduction to automated testing", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_testing/Cross_browser_testing/Automated_testing", "tags": ["Tools", "Automation", "Beginner", "cross browser", "Sauce Labs", "Article", "CodingScripting", "Learn", "Web Stack", "Testing"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-10-20T08:00:13", "label": "Introduction to automated testing", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 196753, "last_edit": "2016-10-20T08:00:09", "summary": "This was quite a ride, but I'm sure you can start to see the benefit in having automation tools do a lot of the heavy lifting for you in terms of testing.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Automation_makes_things_easy", "title": "Automation makes things easy"}, {"id": "Using_a_task_runner_to_automate_testing_tools", "title": "Using a task runner to automate testing tools"}, {"id": "Setting_up_Node_and_npm", "title": "Setting up Node and npm"}, {"id": "Setting_up_Gulp_automation", "title": "Setting up Gulp automation"}, {"id": "Adding_some_real_tasks_to_Gulp", "title": "Adding some real tasks to Gulp"}, {"id": "html-tidy", "title": "html-tidy"}, {"id": "Autoprefixer_and_css-lint", "title": "Autoprefixer and css-lint"}, {"id": "js-hint_and_babel", "title": "js-hint and babel"}, {"id": "Further_ideas", "title": "Further ideas"}, {"id": "Other_task_runners", "title": "Other task runners"}, {"id": "Using_Sauce_Labs_to_speed_up_browser_testing", "title": "Using Sauce Labs to speed up browser testing"}, {"id": "Getting_started_with_Sauce_Labs", "title": "Getting started with Sauce Labs"}, {"id": "The_basics_Manual_tests", "title": "The basics: Manual tests"}, {"id": "Advanced_The_Sauce_Labs_API", "title": "Advanced: The Sauce Labs API"}, {"id": "Advanced_Automated_tests", "title": "Advanced: Automated tests"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Learn/Tools_and_testing/Cross_browser_testing/Automated_testing", "review_tags": []}