{"json_modified": "2016-10-18T00:04:07.184933", "uuid": "62a07f8f-c9bc-4f94-89f4-4803d27d9705", "title": "Django Tutorial Part 8: User authentication and permissions", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Django/authentication_and_sessions", "tags": ["django authentication", "sessions", "Beginner", "Article", "Forms", "Permissions", "server-side", "Tutorial", "Learn", "Python", "Server", "permissions", "Authentication", "django"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-10-18T00:04:07", "label": "Django Tutorial Part 8: User authentication and permissions", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 196383, "last_edit": "2016-10-18T00:04:03", "summary": "Excellent work \u2014 you've now created a website that library members can login into and view their own content, and that librarians (with the correct permission) can use to view all loaned books and their borrowers. At the moment we're still just viewing content, but the same principles and techniques are used when you want to start modifying and adding data.", "sections": [{"id": "Overview", "title": "Overview"}, {"id": "Enabling_authentication", "title": "Enabling authentication"}, {"id": "Creating_users_and_groups", "title": "Creating users and groups"}, {"id": "Setting_up_your_authentication_views", "title": "Setting up your authentication views"}, {"id": "Project_URLs", "title": "Project URLs"}, {"id": "Template_directory", "title": "Template directory"}, {"id": "Login_template", "title": "Login template"}, {"id": "Logout_template", "title": "Logout template"}, {"id": "Password_reset_templates", "title": "Password reset templates"}, {"id": "Password_reset_form", "title": "Password reset form"}, {"id": "Password_reset_done", "title": "Password reset done"}, {"id": "Password_reset_email", "title": "Password reset email"}, {"id": "Password_reset_confirm", "title": "Password reset confirm"}, {"id": "Password_reset_complete", "title": "Password reset complete"}, {"id": "Testing_the_new_authentication_pages", "title": "Testing the new authentication pages"}, {"id": "Testing_against_authenticated_users", "title": "Testing against authenticated users"}, {"id": "Testing_in_templates", "title": "Testing in templates"}, {"id": "Testing_in_views", "title": "Testing in views"}, {"id": "Example_\u2014_listing_the_current_user's_books", "title": "Example \u2014 listing the current user's books"}, {"id": "Models", "title": "Models"}, {"id": "Admin", "title": "Admin"}, {"id": "Loan_a_few_books", "title": "Loan a few books"}, {"id": "On_loan_view", "title": "On loan view"}, {"id": "URL_conf_for_on_loan_books", "title": "URL conf for on loan books"}, {"id": "Template_for_on_loan_books", "title": "Template for on loan books"}, {"id": "Add_the_list_to_the_sidebar", "title": "Add the list to the sidebar"}, {"id": "What_does_it_look_like", "title": "What does it look like?"}, {"id": "Permissions", "title": "Permissions"}, {"id": "Models_2", "title": "Models"}, {"id": "Templates", "title": "Templates"}, {"id": "Views", "title": "Views"}, {"id": "Example", "title": "Example"}, {"id": "Challenge_yourself", "title": "Challenge yourself"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Learn/Server-side/Django/authentication_and_sessions", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}