{"json_modified": "2016-10-09T15:06:58.768863", "uuid": "3ede26b7-2c32-4839-a87d-a0b26d51abb6", "title": "Django Tutorial Part 4: Django admin site", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Django/Admin_site", "tags": ["django_admin", "Beginner", "server-side", "django", "Article", "CodingScripting", "Tutorial", "Learn", "Python"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-10-09T15:06:58", "label": "Django Tutorial Part 4: Django admin site", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 195923, "last_edit": "2016-10-09T15:06:54", "summary": "That's it! You've now learned how to set up the administration site in both its simplest and improved form, how to create a superuser, and how to navigate the admin site and view, delete, and update records. Along the way you've created a bunch of Books, BookInstances, Genres and Authors that we'll be able to list and display once we create our own view and templates.", "sections": [{"id": "Overview", "title": "Overview"}, {"id": "Registering_models", "title": "Registering models\u00a0"}, {"id": "Creating_a_superuser", "title": "Creating a superuser"}, {"id": "Logging_in_and_using_the_site", "title": "Logging in and using the site"}, {"id": "Advanced_configuration", "title": "Advanced configuration"}, {"id": "Register_a_ModelAdmin_class", "title": "Register a ModelAdmin class"}, {"id": "Configure_list_views", "title": "Configure list views"}, {"id": "Add_list_filters", "title": "Add list filters"}, {"id": "Organise_detail_view_layout", "title": "Organise detail view layout"}, {"id": "Controlling_which_fields_are_displayed_and_laid_out", "title": "Controlling which fields are displayed and laid out"}, {"id": "Sectioning_the_detail_view", "title": "Sectioning the detail view"}, {"id": "Inline_editing_of_associated_records", "title": "Inline editing of associated records"}, {"id": "Challenge_yourself", "title": "Challenge yourself"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Further_reading", "title": "Further reading"}], "slug": "Learn/Server-side/Django/Admin_site", "review_tags": []}