{"json_modified": "2016-07-28T19:22:15.973028", "uuid": "f5d1acdb-c733-4dde-916b-e3277e5964e9", "title": "How do you upload files to a web server?", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Upload_files_to_a_web_server", "tags": ["NeedsActiveLearning", "Beginner", "WebMechanics"], "translations": [{"uuid": "ae99e4de-4e80-4388-8413-3e2b7e21ff78", "title": "Transf\u00e9rer des fichiers vers un serveur web", "url": "/fr/docs/Apprendre/Transf%C3%A9rer_des_fichiers_vers_un_serveur_web", "tags": ["NeedsActiveLearning", "Beginner", "WebMechanics"], "summary": "Maintenant que vous avez construit une page web, vous voulez peut \u00eatre la mettre en ligne gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un serveur web. Dans cet article, nous verrons comment faire en utilisant FTP.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-09-26T00:22:29", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "3c951a81-3ba1-4716-afcd-e5690b3638e9", "title": "How do you upload files to a web server?", "url": "/ko/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Upload_files_to_a_web_server", "tags": [], "summary": "\ub2f9\uc2e0\uc740 \uc774\ubbf8 \uac04\ub2e8\ud55c \uc6f9 \ud398\uc774\uc9c0\ub97c \ub9cc\ub4e4\uc5c8\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4.(you have built a simple page\u00a0\ucc38\uc870), \uc774\uc81c \uc6f9 \uc11c\ubc84\uc5d0 \uc62c\ub824 \uc628\ub77c\uc778\uc5d0 \uacf5\uac1c\ud558\uace0 \uc2f6\uc744 \uac81\ub2c8\ub2e4. \uc6b0\ub9ac\ub294 \uc774\ub7ec\ud55c \ubc29\ubc95\uc744\u00a0FTP\ub97c \ud1b5\ud574 \ub2e4\ub904\ubcf4\uace0\uc790 \ud569\ub2c8\ub2e4.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ko", "last_edit": "2016-07-28T19:22:12", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-03-02T06:47:49", "label": "How do you upload files to a web server?", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 127123, "last_edit": "2016-03-02T06:47:16", "summary": "Now that you have built a simple page, you will want to put it online on some web server. We'll discuss how to do that using FTP.", "sections": [{"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Active_Learning", "title": "Active Learning"}, {"id": "Dig_deeper", "title": "Dig deeper"}, {"id": "Getting_to_grips_with_an_FTP_client_FireFTP", "title": "Getting to grips with an FTP client: FireFTP"}, {"id": "Logging_in", "title": "Logging in"}, {"id": "Here_and_there_local_and_remote_view", "title": "Here and there: local and remote view"}, {"id": "Uploading_to_the_server", "title": "Uploading to the server"}, {"id": "Are_they_really_online", "title": "Are they really online?"}, {"id": "Other_methods_to_upload_files", "title": "Other methods to upload files"}, {"id": "Next_steps", "title": "Next steps"}], "slug": "Learn/Common_questions/Upload_files_to_a_web_server", "review_tags": []}