{"json_modified": "2016-08-23T06:25:47.008927", "uuid": "81e43ce0-73f5-4cec-9090-742295f13062", "title": "How much does it cost to do something on the web?", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/How_much_does_it_cost", "tags": ["Beginner", "cost", "hosting", "web development tools", "NeedsActiveLearning", "beginner", "WebMechanics"], "translations": [{"uuid": "b4f5f4f8-665f-4706-9059-9a142130a58d", "title": "Publier sur le Web : combien \u00e7a co\u00fbte ?", "url": "/fr/docs/Apprendre/Publier_sur_le_Web_combien_%C3%A7a_co%C3%BBte", "tags": ["Learn", "Beginner", "WebMechanics"], "summary": "Lorsqu'on lance un site web, on peut tr\u00e8s bien ne rien payer ou, au contraire, d\u00e9penser de fa\u00e7on astronomique. Dans cet article, nous verrons les co\u00fbts associ\u00e9s \u00e0 chaque \u00e9tape et ce \u00e0 quoi s'attendre en fonction de ce qu'on paye (ou qu'on ne paye pas).", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-10-11T09:45:18", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-08-23T06:25:46", "label": "How much does it cost to do something on the web?", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 129169, "last_edit": "2016-08-23T06:25:42", "summary": "When you're launching a website, you may spend nothing or your costs may go through the roof. In this article we discuss how much everything costs and what you get for what you pay (or don't pay).", "sections": [{"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Active_learning", "title": "Active learning"}, {"id": "Dig_deeper", "title": "Dig deeper"}, {"id": "Do-it-yourself", "title": "Do-it-yourself"}, {"id": "Software", "title": "Software"}, {"id": "Text_editors", "title": "Text editors"}, {"id": "Image_editors", "title": "Image editors"}, {"id": "Media_editors", "title": "Media editors"}, {"id": "Publishing_tools_FTP_client", "title": "Publishing tools: "}, {"id": "Browsers", "title": "Browsers"}, {"id": "Web_access", "title": "Web access"}, {"id": "Computer_modem", "title": "Computer / modem"}, {"id": "ISP_access", "title": "ISP access"}, {"id": "Hosting", "title": "Hosting"}, {"id": "Understanding_bandwidth", "title": "Understanding bandwidth"}, {"id": "Domain_names", "title": "Domain names"}, {"id": "Do-it-yourself_hosting_vs._\u201cpackaged\u201d_hosting", "title": "Do-it-yourself hosting vs. \u201cpackaged\u201d hosting"}, {"id": "Free_hosting_vs._paid_hosting", "title": "Free hosting vs. paid hosting"}, {"id": "Professional_website_agencies_and_hosting", "title": "Professional website agencies and hosting"}, {"id": "Next_steps", "title": "Next steps"}], "slug": "Learn/Common_questions/How_much_does_it_cost", "review_tags": []}