{"json_modified": "2016-05-24T19:44:18.952757", "uuid": "51be0151-65de-4012-99ca-c1399d76bc2a", "title": "Infallible memory allocation", "url": "/en-US/docs/Infallible_memory_allocation", "tags": ["Guide", "guide", "memory", "NeedsRelocation"], "translations": [{"uuid": "2e98583c-e342-41b3-9f18-d3e359e204b8", "title": "\u7d55\u5c0d\u53ef\u9760\u7684\u8a18\u61b6\u9ad4\u914d\u7f6e", "url": "/zh-TW/docs/Infallible_memory_allocation", "tags": ["\u5206\u914d", "\u8a18\u61b6\u9ad4"], "summary": "There's ongoing work to implement infallible memory allocators. These are memory allocation routines that never return null; that is, they always successfully return the requested block of memory. This is in contrast to a traditional, fallible memory allocator that can return null indicating that the request failed.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "zh-TW", "last_edit": "2016-02-26T22:57:13", "review_tags": ["technical", "editorial"]}], "modified": "2016-05-24T19:44:19", "label": "Infallible memory allocation", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 7123, "last_edit": "2016-05-24T19:44:16", "summary": "There's ongoing work to implement infallible memory allocators. These are memory allocation routines that never return null; that is, they always successfully return the requested block of memory. This is in contrast to a traditional, fallible memory allocator that can return null indicating that the request failed.", "sections": [{"id": "How_can_memory_allocation_be_infallible", "title": "How can memory allocation be infallible?"}, {"id": "Choosing_a_memory_allocator", "title": "Choosing a memory allocator"}, {"id": "Explicitly_infallible_memory_allocators", "title": "Explicitly infallible memory allocators"}, {"id": "Explicitly_fallible_memory_allocators", "title": "Explicitly fallible memory allocators"}], "slug": "Infallible_memory_allocation", "review_tags": []}