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Revision 812327 of Placeholder names

  • Revision slug: Glossary/Placeholder_names
  • Revision title: Placeholder names
  • Revision id: 812327
  • Created:
  • Creator: kscarfone
  • Is current revision? Yes
  • Comment Technical and editorial review

Revision Content

Placeholder names are commonly used in cryptography to indicate the participants in a conversation, without resorting to terminology such as "Party A," "eavesdropper," and "malicious attacker." The most commonly used names are:

  • Alice and Bob, two parties who want to send messages to each other, occasionally joined by Carol, a third participant
  • Eve, a passive attacker who is eavesdropping on Alice and Bob's conversation
  • Mallory, an active attacker ("man-in-the-middle") who is able to modify their conversation and replay old messages

Revision Source

<p><span class="seoSummary">Placeholder names are commonly used in cryptography to indicate the participants in a conversation, without resorting to terminology such as "Party A," "eavesdropper," and "malicious attacker."</span> The most commonly used names are:</p>

 <li><em>Alice</em> and <em>Bob</em>, two parties who want to send messages to each other, occasionally joined by <em>Carol</em>, a third participant</li>
 <li><em>Eve</em>, a passive attacker who is eavesdropping on Alice and Bob's conversation</li>
 <li><em>Mallory</em>, an active attacker ("man-in-the-middle") who is able to modify their conversation and replay old messages</li>
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