{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:42:24.525522", "uuid": "410eaeb4-8715-4c57-a8c5-4300bbee8047", "title": "Ciphertext", "url": "/en-US/docs/Glossary/Ciphertext", "tags": ["Security", "Glossary", "Privacy", "Cryptography"], "translations": [{"uuid": "4a6fba97-d944-440b-87ca-0e1cd8b15d7e", "title": "Cryptogramme", "url": "/fr/docs/Glossaire/Cryptogramme", "tags": ["Security", "Glossary", "Privacy", "Cryptography"], "summary": "En cryptographie, un cryptogramme est un message cod\u00e9 qui contient des informations mais qui n'est pas lisible sauf s'il est d\u00e9chiffr\u00e9 avec le bon cryptosyst\u00e8me et le bon code secret (qu'on appelle une cl\u00e9). Une fois d\u00e9chiffr\u00e9, on obtient le texte clair. La s\u00e9curit\u00e9 d'un cryptogramme et par cons\u00e9quent celle des informations qu'il contient d\u00e9pendent de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 du cryptosyst\u00e8me utilis\u00e9 et de la possibilit\u00e9 de garder la cl\u00e9 secr\u00e8te.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-06-06T09:15:11", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-06-02T12:49:38", "label": "Ciphertext", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 133941, "last_edit": "2015-06-02T12:49:36", "summary": "In cryptography, a ciphertext is a scrambled message that conveys information but is not legible unless decrypted with\u00a0the right cipher and\u00a0the right secret (usually a key), reproducing the original cleartext. A ciphertext's\u00a0security, and therefore the secrecy of the contained information, depends on using a secure cipher and keeping the key secret.", "sections": [{"id": "Learn_more", "title": "Learn more"}, {"id": "General_knowledge", "title": "General knowledge"}], "slug": "Glossary/Ciphertext", "review_tags": []}