{"json_modified": "2016-05-30T08:03:55.763604", "uuid": "e1fbd50d-310b-40d4-8280-6045baf2e7f0", "title": "Arpanet", "url": "/en-US/docs/Glossary/Arpanet", "tags": ["Infrastructure", "Glossary"], "translations": [{"uuid": "5c2ddbad-54ad-46d5-a2f1-ec6962febeb1", "title": "Arpanet", "url": "/fr/docs/Glossaire/Arpanet", "tags": ["Glossaire", "Infrastructure"], "summary": "ARPAnet\u00a0(advanced research projects agency network) \u00e9tait l'un des premiers r\u00e9seaux informatiques, construit en 1969 comme un support robuste pour transmettre des donn\u00e9es militaires sensibles et pour relier des groupes \u00e0 la pointe de la recherche \u00e0 travers le territoire des \u00c9tats-Unis. ARPAnet utilisait d'abord NCP (network control protocol) puis par la suite la premi\u00e8re version de la suite des protocoles Internet ou TCP/IP, ce qui a fait d'ARPAnet une partie importante du naissant Internet. ARPAnet a ferm\u00e9 au d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 90.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-12-15T14:47:49", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "7fc1414e-4b05-4a60-b3c2-1d059fb22141", "title": "Arpanet", "url": "/nl/docs/Glossary/Arpanet", "tags": [], "summary": "Het ARPAnet\u00a0(advanced research projects agency network) was een computer netwerk gebouwd in 1969 als voorloper van het Internet. Het doel was het vormen van een robuust medium om data te versturen en leidende onderzoeksgroepen doorheen de Verenigde Staten te verbinden. Het ARPAnet maakte eerst gebruik van NCP (network control protocol) en vervolgens van de eerste versie van het Internet protocol oftewel TCP/IP. Dit maakte dat ARPAnet een prominente rol had in de opgang van het Internet. ARPAnet werd rond 1990 buiten gebruik gesteld.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "nl", "last_edit": "2016-05-30T08:03:54", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-05-23T14:27:04", "label": "Arpanet", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 147596, "last_edit": "2015-05-23T14:27:03", "summary": "The\u00a0ARPAnet\u00a0(advanced research projects agency network) was an early computer network, constructed in 1969 as a robust medium to transmit\u00a0sensitive military data\u00a0and to connect leading\u00a0research groups\u00a0throughout the United States. ARPAnet first ran NCP (network control protocol) and subsequently\u00a0the first version of the Internet protocol or\u00a0TCP/IP suite, making ARPAnet a prominent part of the nascent Internet. ARPAnet was closed in early 1990.", "sections": [{"id": "Learn_more", "title": "Learn more"}, {"id": "General_knowledge", "title": "General knowledge"}], "slug": "Glossary/Arpanet", "review_tags": []}